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"Kelsey." She barked.

"Yes alpha?" She asked, a smile dancing around on her face. "I like it here. It smells good."

Cassidy bit her tongue as a reminder of who Kelsey once was flashed through her memory. "Kelsey, where is she?"

The girl smiled, a conspirator's smile. "Teaching him a lesson." She mimicked, her voice dropping an octave lower.

Frustration ticked in Cassidy's jaw, "where?"

J had been a loyal pack member since the day Cassidy had met her. Not part of Cassidy's original pack, J was the by-product of a vicious Alpha who demanded the ability to lay claim to any - and all - women in his pack.

Born to a father who wouldn't acknowledge her and a mother who lived in fear, she hadn't had the best upbringing, and that was all Cassidy knew of her life despite trying multiple times to get more information. But, she'd seen the scars, the ones that matched her own and made her realise that J had probably had a very similar experience to Cassidy. Only, J had experienced it her whole life. Cassidy couldn't even begin to imagine how awful that must have been.

More of a shadow than a real pack member, J was always lurking but never with the pack, but that wasn't to say she wasn't loyal to a fault

As Cassidy headed in the direction Kelsey had told her to, knowing that the two women shared a bond no one could understand, she feared for the life of the man who'd just shot Leah.

Although every part of Cassidy wanted revenge on him, she knew that was not how it would work or should work. Not sure how J had even managed to get hold of the shooter, as she was sure that Jake had ordered that he was locked up, when she rounded the corner to find him on his knees and still breathing, she let out a sigh of relief.

His eyes were wide and panicked and his hands were tied to the tree behind him. He fought against the gag that bound his mouth and his whole body shook with fear. His face, more bruise than skin, was nothing in comparison to his torso. Cassidy's stomach turned, panic seeping into her veins at the realisation that Jake could seek revenge for this act.

"J, don't do it." She warned to the trees that surrounded them. "That's an order J. You have done enough."

"He killed her." Her voice was rough with emotion and an unspent rage. Cassidy turned and took in the appearance of the wolf who she'd barely seen in months.

She looked thin, much thinner than she remembered. Tiredness was etched in each of her eyes and her entire body held a fragility that Cassidy would never have associated with her.

Despite this, she was still the toughest looking wolf she'd ever seen. Taller than your average bear and hostility radiating off of her, she was one of the most brutal wolves that Cassidy had ever met. A fact that had proved very handy, time and time again.

Cassidy's nose turned at the smell of urine, she glanced back at the whimpering wolf as he stared helplessly at the advancing she-wolf.

"J." She warned. "You can't kill him."

"An eye for an eye, Alpha." She echoed words from days gone by, ones she knew might work to sway Cassidy's resolve.

"Leah's not dead. Their healer saved her. Stop this. You can go and find her, or you can disappear and I will contact you when we're ready to leave-" she'd spared a glance at the whimpering wolf, before her attention drifted back to J, finding the space where she'd just been, empty.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, wincing as she remembered the blood. Walking towards the tied up wolf, her eyes scanned over his wounds. Sure he'd live, but he'd never be pretty again.

J had a thing for knives. Apparently, it was in her DNA.

Knowing how much pain the wolf was in, she whispered an apology as she untied his arms. She gently eased the gag from his mouth and apologised once again. "I promise Elenor will heal you." She whispered.

"I-I-i was just protecting my family. My alpha." The wolf stammered, fear still leaking from his every pore. "I-i-i was just doing the right thing."

Cassidy paused in her work and leaned back to look him in the eye. "You shot an unassuming wolf on sight. You are not innocent, but you didn't earn this punishment." She promised, "I'm sorry that I didn't get to you sooner."

"Just-just keep her away from me."

A twig breaking caught Cassidy's attention, she watched as three wolves slowly walked from the trees, "Jake."

"Get him medical help," Jake ordered to the two enforcers stood next to him. They slowly approached Cassidy, eyeing her suspiciously. She stepped back and let them work.

"Jake." She called as the two men helped the injured wolf limp away. "Jake, I'm sorry, she never should have-"

Her words died at the look on Jake's face. There was so much rage, so much pain. She couldn't work out why he was having such a strong reaction, the wolf would heal, her wolf had been shot by his pack member and she wasn't blaming him.

Opening her mouth to say so, she froze as Jake charged towards her and backed her into the nearest tree. Pulling in a breath of forest air, ready to defend her pack, she froze as Jake's lips were suddenly on hers, his hands wrapping around her body and weaving into her hair. She had never felt so surrounded by another human being before.

He drank from her body, hungry and desperate. He thought he'd lost her, again. When that shot had rung out across his pack lands, it was like a blade had twisted in his stomach.

For a second, Jake saw his entire life stretch out before him, the possibilities endless and the trajectory unsure, but only one thing was certain.

The She-wolf who was quivering beneath his touch was everything to him and to his wolf, and he wasn't about to lose her now.



Hello There!

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend and have enjoyed this update!

There'll be more soon . . .


An Alpha's AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz