4. "Wanne take a ride?"

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"You're not working on the case?"
You heard a silent voice, fading into your dream just like the answer: "I am working."
The voices got louder and you tardily woke up, opening your heavy eyelids, blinking the bright light from the room away.
It knocked and you heard a door being opened.
"Good evening Sherlock. Watson. I heard what happened. I wanted to inform you that there had been other armed raids from these two clown guys.
The one yesterday was the third one within two weeks and-"
He got cut off:" I know. I read the Newspaper."

Your gaze was still blurry and your thoughts messy so you didn't quite follow the conversation next to you.
You were too occupied trying to find out where you were and what happened.

'We need to get her to the hospital!'
The sentence popped up in your mind as you tried to puzzle the pieces of memories back together.
You remembered the screams, the doorbell, the gun.
The two men with those terrific flow masks and -
Sherlock with a proud smile on his lips.

"What? But we didn't give the newspaper people any information! ", you've got thrown out of your thoughts and realized that this was Inspector Lestrade's voice.
"Well", the deep voice said and you knew it was Sherlock "Then someone of your staff leaked some information, obviously."

Your vision was got clear and you noticed the white walls and large white curtain in front of a window.
A hospital. Of course.
You knew these rooms and the smell too well, probably having slept in those rooms more often than in your own bedroom.

"By the way, (y/n) had luck. The clown criminals are known for killing everyone after their raids.
We don't know why they spared the people from the Speedy's Cafe."
You tilted your head to the right and looked at Sherlock who was sitting at the edge of your bed.
He noticed your gaze and spoke for you: "Because they heard a police siren and panicked."
Watson and Lestrade looked confused between you two.

For Sherlock and you, this was normal.
You both understood each other without a word, even though you weren't always quite sure how he understood what you meant.

"How did you-?", Watson started, narrowing his eyebrows but stopped, knowing that it had a simple answer.
"When criminals leave without following their usual movement it means that they had panicked because of something. And what could make them more panic than the police.", Sherlock answered in a cool voice.
All looked at you and you nodded.
"Plus, I heard the siren myself shortly before Watson and I found (y/n).", he added and got an eye roll from Warson as a response.

"Well,", Lestrade spoke: "I wanted to ask (y/n) about what had happened and if she could describe the men."
"I'm going to get some coffee. Anybody wants some?", Watson asked, not wanting to interfere with Lestrade's investigations
"One for me please.", Lestrade answered with a thankful nod.
"I don't need any.", Sherlock said and looked at you as Watson left the room: 'You want me to stay here?"
He didn't speak it out but you could read it out of his eyes.
You shook your head and smiled a little, you could deal with the inspector yourself.
Sherlock stood up from your bed and grabbed his coat which was hanging over a chair next to your bed: "I'll be outside if you need me, Inspector. "

As Sherlock closed the door Lestrade took a seat on the chair: "So (y/n), how are we going to do this?"
You grabbed a piece of paper with the menu on it and a pen from the nightstand, turning the paper and showing it to him, making him understand that you would write your answers.
Lestrade nodded: "Good. So what had happened? "

...time skip...

Sherlock and Watson had left the hospital with Inspector Lestrade an hour later to have a look at the corpses and you didn't know what to do.
Hospitals were always so boring and the food wasn't good either.
Without much interest you skipped through the TV program, only to look at arguing people, dumb kid series, and documentaries about how to build a house or something.
The little interest you paid got caught by a cartoon series you had often watched as a child.

It knocked and an old woman with a food tray came in.
She smiled at you and placed it on the little nightstand next to your bed.
You smiled back politely, trying to not breathe in the disgusting smell of the soup.
"Do you need anything, dear? ", the nurse asked and fixed your blanket.
You shook your head.
Don't you dare to feed me now, you thought and exhaled as the nurse left your room without saying another word.
You didn't even try the soup, you knew how it tasted and it wasn't very appealing.

Whining you tried to stand up. Your stomach cramped and your shoulder pained as you slowly made your way to the bathroom.
Carefully you undressed from the white hospital gown and looked at yourself in the small mirror.
You had a dark purple bruise on your stomach near your ribs, a bruise over your right eyebrow, and a bandage around your left shoulder.
Not to forget the patched-up burns at your hands and wrists.
Wincing you grabbed a towel and did a quick wash, wanting to get the smell of sweat and the hospital off of you.

Some minutes later you left the bathroom again with a towel loosely held in front of your bare chest to get your clothes.
You jumped in shock as you noticed Sherlock sitting on your bed.
"I brought you something to eat.", he answered and held up a bag of cookies.
You narrowed your eyebrows in confusion, pressing the towel against your chest.
"Not good?", Sherlock asked amused and you gave him a piece of paper: "Let us get something real to eat. I need to get out of here"
"But you should stay here for some more days."
You gave him your "oh come on" look and grabbed your clothes to change.

Some minutes later you and Sherlock were walking down the street next to the Thames with a big bag of chips in your hands.
While you were eating you looked up at the London Eye.
Since you were young you always wanted to take a ride and see the lights of the city from above.
Sherlock noticed your desiring looks at the big wheel and thought about buying tickets.
For some reason, he felt the urge to make you happy.

"Stay here. I'll be right back", he said and you did as he told you, trying to pick the last chip out of the paperback.
As he came back you saw the two tickets in his hands and smiled widely.
"Wanna take a ride?", he asked with a gentle voice and reached his hand out.

I know there isn't happening much in this chapter but I still hope you like it♥

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