5. Scaredy-cat

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I'm very sorry that you needed to wait so long :'(
And I noticed that I totally forgot to include Mrs. Hudson in the last chapters 😱

You didn't need to wait long to get into the London Eye, there weren't many people tonight to visit it, especially because of the cold weather.
The gondola squeaked as you stepped inside and sat down on one of the red benches, turning towards the window behind you.
You watched the people below you getting smaller as the London Eye started moving, shaking slightly.
The higher you got the more you could see from London's skyline, the beautiful lights reflecting on the calm water of the Thames.
Amazed you pressed your nose against the cold glass.

You couldn't see it but Sherlock was smiling as he watched you admiring the new view of London you got.
And he noticed how he wasn't analyzing you at all.
Not now.
He just wanted to remember the moment, without any observing and wanting to know what you thought, what had happened to you, or who exactly you were.
Just you and this moment.

Suddenly his mobile rang and caught the attention of you both.
Sherlock answered the phone, listened closely to what the other person was saying, and ended the phone call with an "I will be there in a few minutes."
You looked at him with a tilted head, wanting to know what's going on but he just waved his hand slightly.
"Just Lestrade, nothing too important."

The ride was nearly over so you sat back down on the bench next to him.
Just as you had gathered the bravery to lay your head on his shoulder, a loud bang sounded through the night air and the gondola stopped abruptly.
Sherlock jumped up and rushed to the opposite window, looking outside and searching for the source of the sound.
His gaze fell on a man who stood at the edge of the Thames, aiming a gun right at your gondola.

"Get down!", he yelled and threw himself on to you right as another gunshot echoed in the night.
Glass shattered and the gondola squeaked dangerously.
The hinges were slowly edging down and with a loud snapping sound, the gondola toppled over and forwards.

You and Sherlock were sliding down the dirty ground until you both hit the glass which immediately made a cracking sound.

Another gunshot hit the gondola and broke the glass between you and Sherlock.

With fear in your eyes, you looked at him, helplessly and with the hope that he would save you.

"We need to jump.", he said and looked down to check if the Thames wasn't too far away.
Now you looked at him even more scared and shook your head badly: 'Never!'
"Now is not the time to be a scaredy-cat!", Sherlock told you, grabbed your hand, and jumped.

You both fell and you were sure that if you still had your voice you would have screamed so loud that half London would have heard it.
But you couldn't, so the only thing you did was opening your mouth wide and waving with your arms like a maniac.
Luckily, the water wasn't too far away from where you jumped and the fall only took a few seconds, but just as your feet were about to dip in, Sherlock suddenly let go of your hand.
From the corner of your, you saw how he landed on the stone path next to the Thames, skilfully rolling off-
Before you hit the ice-cold water and had to squeeze your eyes shut.
Within seconds your clothes and bandages were soaked wet, dragging you down.
Panicking you tried to swim back to the surface and to keep yourself up but your hurting shoulder made it nearly impossible.

Sherlock at the riverside jumped up from his fall and attacked the shooter who was already aiming with his gun at you again. One specific hit by him and the man was down, collapsing to the ground.
Fastly Sherlock undressed from his coat and kicked the gun out of the reach from the shooter before jumping into the cold water, swimming over to you.

He grabbed you by your wrist as he reached you and made you cling on to his shoulders before he swam back to the riverside.
With the help of a by-standing woman, he lifted you up so that you could crawl out of the water.
The woman urgently tried to find out what had happened, babbling question after question before Sherlock made her shut up rather rudely.
In the distance, you could already hear the police sirens which got louder and louder.
One of the bystanders must have called the police after hearing the gunshots.
Sherlock laid his big coat over your shoulders and set beside you, lying one arm around you to keep you warm: "It's fine now. Stop shivering, scaredy-cat."
Still in shock, you just rested your head on his shoulder and tried to calm your breathing.
The adrenaline slowly died down and made space for the pain from your injuries again.
You didn't even hear the police sirens and people talking and shouting behind you anymore, too worn out from everything that had happened in the last few days, not able to process all the events yet.

Some minutes later Lestrade hopped out of his car.
He and the other policemen tried to make the bystanders move further away from you two and Lestrade came over, asking Sherlock about what had happened, but you didn't really pay attention to their conversation.

All this still felt so unreal, like a dream. Like a nightmare that stuck in your bones and wouldn't go away.

I hope you like this chapter and please give me some feedback❤
I love you all for reading my story😚

...and I couldn't include Mrs. Hudson again.

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