Turn The T.V. Off

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Free will is a part of human consciousness

But most are unaware that it exists here.

They are content to continue on a fixation

Consuming and ingesting, unthinking and insincere.

When one is confronted, it's easy enough to point

The finger of righteous indignation

At the faceless, emotionless harbingers of news

And blame them for society's destruction.

But the truth is that we all have the ability

To stand back and question what is presented

To us, on a plate, everyday, instigate,

The thought process to provoke dissent.

It doesn't stop to occur to many people

That we actually have a say in the matter

Of what actually filters into our minds.

Authorities decry this mind over matter,

'Cause it's the one thing they strive to control,

But however hard they try, and no matter what they do,

Only you can decide to reject

The intentionally false, hysterical hullabaloo.

It terrifies the authoritarians no end

And their white noise intensifies with fear.

The mechanics of mental control grind ever harder

And batter your mind into submission sincere.

Because they can't stand to think of you making your own choice

And having your own voice, standing up and shouting out,

"I refuse to convene to your rules anymore,

And I won't bow down to your religion devout!"

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