Real Beauty

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Strip me down

Strip me bare

Leave me naked

Defenceless to the glare

Of blinding condemnation

And righteous indignation

Leave me pale and baggy

Blinded by the light

Leave me with nothing to hide

Just an awkward sight

Of a body that happens to be imperfect

Sagging, flabby, weary and real

Lived in, sat in, loved and used,

Pushed around, battered, broken and abused.

Touch me,

Touch the skin

It'll never be perfect but it's real.

Consensus tells me to buy good looks

But why would I want what isn't mine?

I'm not defined by the body I have

Which is more than you can say,

Show me the people who think they have right

To define what the criteria is for beauty

And I'll show you people who think they have the power

To eugenesise perfection, dismiss life out of hand

Can you bear to look at me?

Naked, pale flesh?

This is me, this is real.

My blood. My body. My soul.

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