If Only Everything

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1. Behind The Red Door

My heart beats faster with every footstep

That ticks away and fades forever in my wake,

Looking for that door, not sure how much more

Of this my patience can take,

I scrabble at the handle, don't deny me now,

and it opens without a second thought.

Clumsily, breathlessly, I stumble into your presence,

And what resistance I had crumbles to nought.

The door locks silently, three inches of wood

Separates us from society.

They've no need to know the things yet to happen

The moments yet to be shared between you and me.

2. Welcome to Paradise

My eyes look towards you and freeze

I'm the rabbit caught in the lover's headlights

An attempt at a casual smile

Plays across your unflinching face.

Beneath your everyday jeans are the reason why

I'm stood here shivering with elation.

Trembling, I take my place, kneeling before you,

There's no thoughts of marriage in the June air tonight,

Just a confession to make, and a refusal to allow

These feelings to be hidden anymore.

If they are judged to be evil, then stone me this day,

Cast me away, with a sneering backwards glance.

But the truth is that, as I hold you in my hands

Feeling your warmth, and smelling your scent,

These are my feelings, and I shall let them roam free,

Whatever your consequences may be.

3. Immersion

My lips touch your skin.

A static shock snaps through me.

You close your eyes slowly.

You know what's coming next.

I lift you to my face.

I feel you wriggle against my cheek.

My lips brush against you

Analysing every contour.

You part my lips and slip inside.

My tongue forms a polite

Welcome committee.

Greeting you with a backwards tilt of my head.

I'm starting to drown.

Will you take my hand?

I'll cling to you to survive.

My lips and hands

Wide-eyed with wonder.

Travelling your beautiful body.

From the arch of your back

To the curve of your sole,

I'll find them all

One way or another.

You push down on me

And happily consume me

Just as I feel you pulsing through me.

I'm gone. Ruined.

Hopelessly destroyed.

Your delight destroys me from the inside out.

I let out a cry

The voice is not mine

The submission is all but complete.

4. The Unspeaking Clock

It's at this exact moment that the clock on the wall stops,

Forgets it's purpose, and gazes on.

I'm blissfully unaware that time is still passing,

That a world is still spinning beyond the net curtains.

Only our subconscious has any idea what we're doing

My rational mind is simply along for the ride

Trying to enjoy the view at breakneck speed

Holding on for dear life as we spin out of control.

I sweat, you sweat

I kiss? You bet.

I can't stop.

You won't stop.

This won't end.

It'll never end.

Forever this day.

Forever today.

Forever tomorrow

On day by day.

I'm free to love you

And you're free to fuck me

The runaway train

Misses the station

And ploughs on unabated

Well beyond salvation.

Someone is screaming

"Stop, I wanna get off!"

It falls on deaf ears,

Dismissed like a moth

In an innocent breeze

Well away from here

All I'll ever hear

Is "I love you, dear."

5. Silent Sweetheart

Pokerface on?

Pokerface off.

You've nothing to be ashamed of

And nothing to be proud of.

Walk from street to street,

March to that old beat,

Move away from that pulsebeat

And stick to normality.

A sideways glance is all that's permitted

But in that split second I know,

You can hear the cries, the gasps and the shrieks

Just as vividly as I do, right now.

But the turning of your head away

Dismisses me from your mind

With a click of the fingers,

I'm nothing more than a broken bind.

In a ratty, graffitied toilet cubicle

I crumble and allow a tear to escape.

Nobody knew, nobody will ever know

Not even we will know, will we?

The door will hear everything,

Every sob, chokeback, and outbreak of "why?",

But it'll never say a single word

As time continues to tick by.

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