Chapter 4

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Katie’s POV

     I wake up the next morning and head into the kitchen and see James shirtless. What is up with him being shirtless all the time? Not that I’m complaining—I don’t mind seeing him shirtless at all. Though I don’t think Kendall would appreciate this.

     “Good morning Jamie,” I tell him as he hugs me tight and kiss my forehead since he is so much taller than me.

     “Morning sweetheart. How’d you sleep?”  He whispers in my ear since it is 7 am and everyone else is most likely still asleep.

     “I slept great Jamie bear. How about you?” I ask him and he smiles when I called him Jamiebear, his nickname since I was a little girl.

     “I slept amazing babe, though it would’ve been better if you were next to me,” he says and I blush as I realize what he meant.

     “What did you just say to my baby sister?” Kendall shouts as he makes his appearance known and I mentally face palmed; why does my brother have to be so nosy and have horrible timing?

     “Will you calm down big brother? He won’t do anything and you know it. Plus if anything were to happen, it isn’t any of your business. It’s James and my business. So just calm down,” I tell Kendall and give him a hug as he ruffles my hair.

     “When did my baby sister get so grown up?” Kendall asks me as he laughs and gets himself some breakfast.

     “I’m 18 years old Kendork. I’m all grown up. You should be proud of the person I am. You and the guys helped shape the person I am,” I tell him and he smiles with tears in his eyes.

     “I’m very proud of who you became baby sister. You’re very responsible, smart, funny, and don’t forget very mischievous. I love you baby sister,” he tells me and I hug him and let a couple tears slip down my face.

     “I love you too big brother. Now if you’d excuse me I’d like to get ready for a day of relaxing with my boyfriend,” I tell him as I walk to my room and get ready for the day; I decide to wear my short shorts and a purple tank top on top of my blue bikini.

     “KATIE! WANNA GO TO THE BEACH?” James shouts through my door, as I am getting ready.

      “Sure Jamie, I’d love to,” I tell him as I walk out of my room and kiss him on the cheek and then go back into the kitchen and grab a banana.

     “Be sure to take sunscreen. I don’t want either one of you getting a sunburn,” Logan tells us as he hands me a tube of sunscreen to put in my beach bag.

     “Don’t worry Logie we’ll be fine, but thanks,” James tells him giving him a bro hug.

     “Wait before you go! On your way home can you stop by the store and get some groceries? Carlos really wants more corndogs,” Kendall asks me and I nod as we walk out the door and down to his car to go to the beach.

     “Are you ready to go Katie-kat?” James asks me as we get into his Jeep and I look through my bag to make sure I have everything.

     “Yeah lets go Jamie bear,” I tell him as he drives from the Palmwoods and to the beach.


James’ POV

     I’m driving to the beach and Katie is looking so gorgeous with her hair flowing in the wind and I can’t help but fall in love with her more and more. I turn the radio on and a Big Time Rush song starts blaring and we laugh and start singing Windows Down. Before we knew it, we arrived at the beach, we parked the Jeep in the lot, and we gathered our stuff to find the perfect spot.

     “How about right here Jamie?” Katie asks me while standing in a spot that is perfect; it’s right next to the water but not on the water.

     “That’s perfect Katie-kat,” I tell her as I kiss her forehead and put our stuff on the sand.

     “Race you to the water!” Katie shouts as she runs towards the water and I run after her and pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

     “I love you Katie baby,” I tell her as I run into the water and the waves crash against us as I hear Katie’s infectious laugh.

     “I love you too Jamie bear. Forever and always,” she tells me and I kiss her hard as she wraps her legs around my waist.

     “Ready to go to the grocery store and then back home Katie?” I ask her after we play in the ocean for a while.

     “Yeah let’s go,” she says as we gather our stuff, make our way to my Jeep, and hop in to go to the store.

     “I got a text from Kendall. He sent us the grocery list. We need to get corndogs, milk, cereal, fruit of any kind, eggs, bacon, bread, and fish sticks,” I tell her as I drive to the grocery store; we eat like animals so I’m not surprised that the list is this long.

     “Sounds about right,” she laughs and soon I’m laughing too; her laugh is so infectious and gorgeous.

     “Let’s get to it so we can go home and I can cuddle with my beautiful girlfriend,” I tell her as we pull into the grocery store parking lot and park the Jeep; is it my imagination or did my Katie just blush?

     “Yeah let’s go,” she tells me as she takes my hand and we walk into the store and grab a cart to put the groceries in.


Katie’s POV

     James and I walk through the store getting the items on the list. James is being a goofball trying to put things that aren’t on the list and giving me the puppy eyes when I say no. He’s so cute with that innocent face… even though he isn’t innocent whatsoever. I don’t know how I’m going to make it with him being so adorable. We finally got all the items on the list and we make our way to the checkout aisle. After we get through the checkout line, we walk to the Jeep with the shopping bags and then we head back to the Palmwoods. I can’t wait to cuddle with my awesome boyfriend.

     “Need some help with those bags Katie-kat?” James asked me and I hand him a couple of the bags.

     “Thanks Jamie,” I tell him as we walk into the Palmwoods and make our way to apartment 2J.

     “Hey we’re back!” James shouts as we open the door and Carlos with his helmet on rams into me; he probably wants the corndogs.

     “Where are the corndogs?” Carlos exclaims and I chuckle as I hand him the bag with the corndogs; I knew he wanted the corndogs; I told him I would buy him a lot of corndogs if he kept his mouth shut about the converse.

     “Don’t eat them all at once! Remember what happened last time? You got sick from eating so many corndogs,” Kendall says and we all laugh at the memory of Carlos eating all those corndogs.

     “Don’t worry. I won’t eat all the corndogs. At least not all at once,” Carlos says and we all laugh.

     “You better not! I can’t keep going to the store to buy corndogs,” I say with a chuckle and pat Carlos on the back.

     “Katie-kat get ready ‘cause I’m taking you out on a date tonight,” James tells me with a wink and I blush.

     “What should I wear?” I ask him as he grabs my hand and takes to his room. He is always the romantic.

     “Just wear something casual. You are beautiful no matter what you wear,” he tells me and I kiss him; he is so sweet.

     “What time is the date?” I ask him and he looks at his watch.

     “Well it is 10 am so be ready by 8 okay?” he asks me and I nod my head; I can’t wait for tonight. 

A Jatie Love Story (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now