Chapter 13: Bury My Heart

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Jasmine's POV

When I got home from an exhausting day at the office, I threw myself down on the couch. It was obvious that Mr. Hollen was absent because the work load had gone into oblivion and beyond and nothing was going smoothly. Meetings after meetings were rescheduled and put off, deadlines weren't being met, and the list went on.

When Mr. Hollen gets back, he's going to flip out.

My cellphone rang, causing me to leap. I looked at the number.


I hated answering unknown numbers but I answered anyway.

"This is Jasmine," I spoke.

"Hello Jasmine. It's Dr. Shannon from the hospital."

My heart stopped.

"Your mother is awake and she wishes to see you and your sister."

My heart started beating again.

"Thank you. We'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay. Goodbye."


I got up and went to find my sister. She was in her bedroom doing her school assignments. I knocked on the door and let myself in.

"Zen, mom is awake and she wants to see us."


I went into my room and took a quick shower and changed into something simple and comfortable.

Zenia and I walked to the bus stop and took a bus to the hospital.

We walked towards mom's occupied room and found her awake and looking up at the television.

"Mommy!" Zenia let out and ran over to her bed side.

I walked over to her side, too.

"Mom, you're awake," I spoke, trying my hardest not to cry and break down again. I had done so much of that already I was losing my energy and my mind.

"Hello, babies," she said in a very parched voice.

The oxygen mask was off her face and it appeared she was breathing on her own again, for now.

"Mommy, I miss you so much. I'm so sorry you're going through this Mom," Zenia said and began crying.

I knew watching her cry that I would begin to cry too.

"Shhhh, don't you cry," Mom said to her and Zenia threw her arms around her in a hug.

The tears came. I couldn't stop it. I hugged my mom too.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry. I feel like all this is my fault. I've let you down because I didn't have my priorities in order. I'm so sorry Mommy that I'm not doing anything to save you," I cried in her arms.

"Baby girl, you need to stop this. Why are you talking like this? This isn't your fault Jassy and you can't carry that burden on yourself. You need to let it go. You've accomplished so much at twenty four and I'm very proud of you. I don't want to hear you talking like this baby; it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Let it go," she comforted me with her arms wrapped around my back.

Her words made me felt better but it didn't changed the fact that she was still dying.

Mom didn't want us to pity her and to be shedding tears for her, so we looked at the television together and began laughing and talking like we always did when things were easier and happier for us. For the first time since she was admitted to the hospital, I wasn't feeling guilty.

Mom began coughing and holding her chest again and gasping. Zenia pushed the nurse's button and in less than a minute the room was swarming with doctors and nurses. Zenia and I were pushed outside the room which caused us to panic.

"Oh my God, Jassy! Mommy!" Zenia screamed and cried even more on my chest as she hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her and cried silently. I hated it. I really wished I had enough money to save her. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed to the God I believed in.

I took Zenia to a chair close by and allowed her to sit; I sat down next to her.

After thirty minutes, Dr. Shannon spotted us and came over. I got up immediately on seeing her.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's alright but she's no longer breathing on her own again. Her oxygen levels are low so we've placed her back on the tanks," she explained.


She placed an arm around my neck and walked me away from Zenia.

"Jasmine, you're the eldest daughter so I should be telling you these things."

"What things?" I asked.

"She's dying Jasmine, and I know I said that she has a month for the most, but it could be less than that. It could be any day."

The tears streamed down like rain.

"I'm so sorry," Dr. Shannon added then she left.

I walked back over to Zenia and, together, we went back home.

"I'll miss her Jassy, I'll miss her so much," Zenia said as she threw herself down on the couch when we got into my apartment.

"I'll miss her too."

My phone rang again and it was unknown.

My heart sank.

It might be Dr. Shannon with the terrible news I knew would be coming but I wasn't, and will never be, prepared for.

I answered, "This is Jasmine."

What I heard on the other end definitely made my heart stopped beating and the tears came more.

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