A Frozen Hell?

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Evan's POV

I was sitting in my office and staring at the picture of my parents' wedding. Emily and I were still babies but I was such a chubby one.

I wonder what it would be like to actually become a father.

My office phone rang and removed the thought from my mind.

"Evan Hollen," I answered.

"Mr. Hollen, I have a Miss Blackman here to see you," my secretary said from her end.

My heart skipped a beat. Jasmine?

"Jasmine?" I asked her.

"No. She said her name is Zenia Blackman. The little sister."

"Send her in."

Why is Zenia here?

Sitting up in my chair and straightening my suit, I watched Zenia come through the door. She walked up to my desk slowly while gazing around the room.

"Good morning," I greeted her.

Her eyes landed on me now. "Good morning," she answered back.

"How can I help you?" I asked her.

"There's something you have to know before it's too late," she said.

My eyebrows creased in confusion and a smirk came on my lips as I shook my head. "What did your sister put you up to?" I asked her, turning my attention to the computer to check my emails. I was a very busy man and I had absolutely no time for games.

"Jasmine doesn't even know I'm here. I've gone behind her back being here and telling you this."

"Telling me what, Zenia?"

"Mr. Hollen, you should talk to Jasmine because I think she should be the one to tell you. My sister misses you dearly but you're turning a deaf ear to her. You're lacking rationality?"

I looked back at her. She was sitting in the chair opposite me, locking her eyes dangerously at me like if she wanted to murder me.

"It's compassion, love and trusting people again I lack. Your sister embarrassed me in front of the entire company.
Why don't you just cut to the chase and say what you really came here to say because I doubt you came all this way to beg on the behalf of your sister."

"Jasmine is over one month pregnant and she's thinking about having an abortion."


It was the fastest I had ever driven to someone's place. It was a wonder that I wasn't pulled over by a police officer for a speeding ticket. I pulled onto the pavement outside Jasmine's apartment. I got out of my car at lightening speed and ran up the steps to her front door.

"I'll tell her that you're here," Zenia said behind me. 

She was in the car with me the entire ride there but, somehow, I felt like I was alone. My mind had drifted to whole other universe.

She moved past me, inserted her key into the door lock, and went inside. I stood there, controlling myself with a breathing exercise. I heard scuffling noises inside the apartment, like someone was trying to run away quickly from the living room.

"HE'S OUTSIDE!" I heard Zenia's voice.

I pushed the door in and walked into the apartment. 

Jasmine was standing against a door which I assumed was her bedroom door.

"Jasmine, come here," I told her, gesturing with my hand for her to come to me. I looked around for her mother so I could greet, and meet, her, but there wasn't an elder woman in sight.

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