Blast From The Past

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*Two Months Later*

Jasmine's POV

I was in the park with Emma Hollen-- Evan's mom. She had been very supportive of me and the baby, and she made time just to be there for us.

Sometimes we would go shopping or go have lunches at a restaurant, or go for a walk through the park, or sit at the house and girl chat, as she called it. She was an incredible woman and I liked her.

"It's such a beautiful day outside," she said as we sat down on a bench in the lawn. 

Fisher and another guard were roaming close by.

"It is," I answered with a smile.

"So, Jasmine, you said there was something you wanted to talk about. What's that sweetie?" she asked and handed me a bottled water to quench my thirst.

I felt like I could vent to her and tell her anything. She was so down to earth, understanding and kind. I had no idea how her son could be so different. He must have got it from his father.

"Do you believe Evan and I will get back together once the baby comes?" I asked her.

I still loved Evan. And I couldn't help but imagine us being a solid family once the baby was born. I didn't want to co-parent. I wanted the baby and I to have a stable relationship with Evan only. I couldn't see myself making love to any other man but him.

Emma raked her fingers through her long hair, just like her son. She let out a sigh and turned towards me. "You still love him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," I answered truthfully. I wasn't ashamed of saying it and never would be.

"I could see that in your eyes Jasmine, but let me tell you something about my son. Evan is a completely different specimen when it comes to women. He's unreadable and unpredictable, but, believe me when I tell you, he did love you and the love is still there for you, but he is afraid to show you how much he still does.

"I'm not going to judge why you did it, but you did hurt him in a place he had never been hurt before. His heart. But I believe that time heals everything, and anything is possible."

I sighed.

"The three of you could be a family again," she added and rubbed my baby bump, gently and playfully. I was growing everyday.

"I never thought he would've been with Aria Goode for so long though," I said as I recalled her coming over to the mansion the night before with the tightest dress I had ever seen on a woman.

"Aria is just a prop. Evan has her around to aid his broken heart. In other words, her only purpose is to stop him from taking you back, and she's only acting as a fence to separate the two of you. I don't believe he's in love with her."

"Why do you say that, Emma?"

"Because of you. He could tell me hundreds of excuses that you're only living with him because of the baby, and he wants to give you protection and the police still haven't solved the case about your attacker, blah, blah, blah, but I know there's more to it than that."

A smile crept up on my face.

"But, seriously Jasmine, you can't remember who attacked you?" she asked as her eyebrows creased together.

"It's not that I can't remember, it's just that I don't know who did it. At first I thought it was Bradley, but that voice that spoke to me wasn't his."

"I was attacked when I first got pregnant," Emma said and rested her arm around my neck. "It wasn't easy for me."

"You were attacked too?"

"Yes. By Ethan's first fiancee and his own mother. I lost the baby." Her eyes welled up with tears. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"My gosh. What happened?" I had never heard that story before.

"I don't think I should be telling you this. I don't want to drive fright into you."

"Please tell me. I want to hear what happened," I pleaded.

"Well. as you already know, I was a maid for Evan's father. I came from a background of absolutely nothing. My parents abandoned me when I was a baby and I was always told I'd amount to nothing. When I first got fired from my job at a cafe, I went to Hollen Tower for an interview."

I listened attentively.

"The position was already filled, and I made a clump of myself when I accidentally knocked over Ethan's cup of coffee onto his crotch."

We laughed together.

Oh man. What if that coffee was hot?

"Jasmine, he was furious. He started yelling and tried dusting off the spill on his pants. I panicked. Honestly, I got so scared I thought he was going to hit me."


"I was abused all my childhood and I thought everyone was the same. But Ethan never laid a finger on me. He had a coffee machine in his office so I remade the coffee. He still wanted me out of his office, so I turned on my heels to leave, but he stopped me. He tasted the coffee and complimented me for it. He hired me as a maid and his personal coffee maker on the spot."


"Things went downhill when I fell for him, and he fell for me too, while he was engaged to another woman. She was a monster. Halley and I caught hell under her wrath."

"Halley and Martin? Your best friend? You were both maids?" I asked as I remembered when I accompanied Evan to the dinner. He'd told me they were his parents' best friends and practically family.

"Yes. You have good memory."

I smiled to myself.

"Anyways, Ethan eventually ended it with her and proposed to me. She became bitter at the fact he left her for a black woman. Me.

"His mom never liked me. She was all team Sharon. So when Ethan left for Paris, I found out I was pregnant. He wasn't there with me when Sharon and his mom came back to the house and, literally, dragged me out of there."


"Yeah. They dragged me out and threw me in the back of a van and had the driver drop me off at a swamp."

"Wait! What?"

"I told you, I didn't want to frighten you. It's not a pleasant story."

"So you lost the baby?" I couldn't believe Evan's mom had faced such a terrible thing.

"Yes. From all the stress I suffered from the hands of Ethan's mother and his ex-fiancee. If I hadn't lost that baby, he, or she, would've had a serious condition or some sort brain damage or something from the stress and slamming around in the van."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. That's terrible." I handed her my handkerchief; tears were pouring down her face. "Thanks for telling me this," I said as I hugged her.

Her story had me thinking.

What if it was one of Evan's ex-girlfriends who had put someone up to hurt me and his baby?

Or what if it wasn't an ex-girlfriend at all?

What if it was the one he is currently dating?



Take a fun guess because Evan had some crazy exes...

Who set up Jasmine?

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