Chp. 2

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The blaring of ZZ Top on my alarm clock awoke me, and I allowed the song to play as I forced myself out of my bed. I groaned at the headache that pounded through my skull as I opened my eyes to light coming through my window, knowing today was my first day of my senior year. Honestly, I could give a shit about senior year right now by how tired I felt.

So I crawled back into bed, mumbling, "Just a few more minutes..."

Then my door slammed open, causing me to jump up as I gazed at Shawn in horror, "Wake up! You have school!"

My heart hammered as I held my chest in shock, "Shawn, you scared the shit out of me."

He smirked, "Well it got you out of bed, didn't it?"

He walked out of my room then, leaving me alone to listen to my early morning rock and get dressed for school. I tugged on some jeans and a loose gray T-shirt, realizing I could give a shit what I looked like. It was before noon and before noon I could barely function.

I heard Shawn call out, "I made you coffee, but I'm leaving!"

I hollered, "Kay bye!"

"Don't skip school today Sam, I'm serious!"

I rolled my eyes as I heard the front door shut. He couldn't tell me what to do, I was almost nineteen years old. I was an adult.

Besides, it was wrong to skip the first day of school, but you could skip any other day after that.

I walked into the bathroom, fixing my long blonde hair and applying not too much makeup, but just enough for it to be noticeable. As always, I looked hot, and knowing I would be a senior, someone every underclassman looked up too, made me excited. I had no worries, just pass the tests and get the hell out of there, easy breezy.

I poured my coffee, mixing it and walking around the house while I made sure I got everything. It was the first day, so I figured all I needed was a pencil right? Ok, maybe I would need a notebook too. I shoved my things into my black Jansport booksack and continued to sip on my coffee, thanking Shawn silently as I did so. Coffee was going to be my best friend this school year considering I had to wake up before the damn roosters.

School started way too early.

I realized I was going to be late if I didn't leave so I packed my coffee in a to-go cup and headed downstairs, coming face to face with the absolute love of my life.

My jet black '69 Camaro.

I smiled as I gazed at it, knowing this was my pride and joy. Although I absolutely loved the car, and I mean I loved it, I hated all the memories it held.

I opened my driver door, throwing my booksack inside and taking a seat, remembering how long it had taken me and dad to completely renovate this thing. The car was old, but everything in it was brand new thanks to me and my father who spent years tearing out the old and rebuilding it to brand new.

It was a classic, and it was given to me for my 16th birthday after me and my father had worked on it since I was 12 years old. When we first started working on it I would sit there and watch him while he worked on the engine, order new parts, rip out the old interior, and completely remodel it.

It had been my grandfather's car before my dad's, and then my dad passed it onto me.

I cranked it up, feeling the purr of the engine as I revved it, hearing the growl echo through the garage Shawn and I shared. I backed, switching the gear shift and turning out of the parking lot of the apartment complex and heading to school.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now