Chp. 69

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~ ~ ~ ~ MEGAN'S POV ~ ~ ~ ~

Not seeing Sam in class was startling, and as much as I wanted to hurry and text her I knew I couldn't. I had a class to teach, and honestly I was hoping she would have the nerve to contact me first.

Ever since yesterday I had avoided her, simply because what she had done with Becca had really pissed me off. Not only did she sort of lie about lunch but she had been keeping something from me, which I considered hiding. I wanted to forgive her but knowing she had kept something from me made me question her motives.

Why had she kept it from me?

Was it because she was afraid? Because she felt like if she told me I would blow up and get mad? It made sense, if that was the reasoning behind it of course, but I didn't know for sure because we hadn't had a real chance to talk about it.

But now she wasn't in class and it was worrying me, because I at least expected to receive a text from her telling me why but there was nothing. I had no missed calls and no texts, which was honestly a bit weird and angered me a little.

Had she overslept after work last night? Was she too afraid to face me? Was she hiding something from me? Or was it something more...?

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Sam hiding something from me which felt absurd. I knew how she felt about me, and if Sam was stupid enough to do something like that there had better be a damn good reason.

The thought of her hiding something from me terrified me, mostly because I knew she had a part of me that made me vulnerable. It scared me knowing that Sam had the power to hurt me even though I trusted she wouldn't, which actually made me even more vulnerable.

But I would always give her the benefit of the doubt from now on until she proved me otherwise.

Fourth hour passed slowly but soon the kids were walking out the door, leaving me alone in my classroom and causing me to realize how much I missed Sam's company. I grabbed my phone and pulled up my texts, still not seeing anything from her.

Was she avoiding me?

I wrote a quick text, "Why weren't you at school today?"

I set my phone down and tried to distract myself, not expecting her to text back immediately. If she wasn't at school that meant she was doing something else, and she might not have her phone in her hand.

But only five minutes passed before I heard my phone ring out, "Felt sick this morning after work, stayed home."

I don't know why but something in me felt weird, and reading her dry text only made me feel even worse. Was she really feeling bad or did she just decide to skip today? Why had she skipped anyway? What if she was with someone else, or what if she was with Becca...?

Something inside me was lit on fire at the thought.

No, she wouldn't do something stupid like that. I knew Sam wasn't like she used to be, and I continued giving her the benefit of the doubt as I texted her back quickly.

"Would you want me to come over after school?"

I stared at my phone then, watching the three dots disappear and reappear multiple times, like she was retyping a response over and over. Something was up with Sam, and as much as I wanted to push it to the back of my mind I couldn't.

She responded, "No, I don't want to get you sick. I'll see you tomorrow in class."

Something in me shuddered with a familiar sense of pain as I read and re-read her text message, attempting to understand it. It didn't make sense to me, considering she never told me no to coming over, not even when she felt bad.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now