Chapter three

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Luka woke up that morning with a gut wrenching feeling in her stomach that she couldn't identify. She tossed the bed sheets off of her feet and padded across the mustard carpet to her bathroom.

There was no noise downstairs, both her parents were at a meeting in Seattle and her brother was in his first year of Yale.
Luka faced the same pressure to succeed, that was what was expected of her family. Thankfully she was allowed to chose whatever profession she desired as long as it didn't stray from the academic route, so when she informed her parents she wanted to study bio medicine, they were all for it. She was grateful her parents pushed her to be the best she could but at the same time wished she didn't live under such pressure.

She brushed her shoulder length auburn hair, before putting on the clothes she had left out the night before, she had ironed them as she did every night and they lay in a neatly folded pile on her desk.

The maid comes around noon to clean so she made herself breakfast most mornings unless there was something left from the night before. It didn't bother her, if anything she wished she could cook for herself more, it was something she had always enjoyed. As well as baking which she tended to do quite often, she loved to bake cookies and cakes for her little group. Sebastian always got so excited over her cookies.

She descended the stairs and shivered, going over to turn on the heat. She made her breakfast and went over her biology notes again before she checked her messages.

Her heart stopped. Angie had sent a picture into a group chat she opened for herself, Luka and Dalia. A picture was attached and she ignored the endless stream of words under it, focusing in on the familiar face in the picture.


She discarded the rest of her breakfast, and tried to call Sebastian. By some miracle he picked up.

"So, you've seen it, huh?"

Although she felt despaired for him she couldn't help but wonder what events had lead up to this.

"I was with Dean last night. Some of the team spotted his car and stopped us. Some jackass in the passenger seat who had a vendetta against Dean sent it."

Luka felt her fists ball up with tension, she already knew who he was talking about.

"Was it Jaxon?"

She heard his reply come meekly and she felt rage overtake her.

"Jaxon's girlfriend left him for Dean last year, he dated her for two weeks before finally coming out as gay. Jaxon was ridiculed because his girlfriend left him for a gay guy. I know because my brother was on the team at that time. I guess Jaxon never got over it and saw an opportunity to hurt Dean through you. I'm sorry you got the brunt of their childish squabble."

It made sense to Sebastian then but it did little to ease the heaviness in his heart. Something about that explanation felt wrong, he couldn't comprehend how someone could be so malicious towards him over something so trivial.

"If my parents see that picture they will disown me." He stated blatantly, almost imaging the situation already.

"What are the chances of them seeing it? It might just blow over?" She reasoned and heard his unsteady breathing on the other side.

"Maybe, I hope." Came his reply, She frowned and went over to the cupboard to check if there were any of the cookies she'd made left over. Alas, there they were.

"I have to go, I'll see you at school." Sebastian said, his voice an exasperated sigh as the line went dead.

Luka took some cookies and wrapped them up before putting them in a box to give to Sebastian, hopefully they'd cheer him up a little.

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