Chapter 7

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Dean answered the door, a look of shock evident on his face.

"Is Sebastian here?"

He blinked twice. "No, why would Sebastian be here? What's going on?"

I saw a frenzied panic began to build up before he sighed and leaned against the doorway and gave me an odd glance.

"His family found out, didn't they?" He said with an exasperated tone.

"I think so." I grimaced. He cursed, turning into his doorway and away from me. I stood in silence, in the rain spell that was cast down on us. I wondered if Sebastian was out in it too.

"Where would he go?" He asked after some time, his eyes holding a dark panic that did little to ease me.

"I.. I thought he might be here." I stuttered.

"Well he's not here, is he?" He snapped and I staggered backwards in shock, immediately seeing the regret flash in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't know.. I didn't think .. I just,"

"It's fine, look I have to go. He could still be out there." I said timidly and he looked at me oddly.

"I'm coming with you." He stated, leaving little room for discussion.

"Hey! Did you find him?"

I turned Around to see Luka's soft yellow beetle barked on the curb. Angie was leaking on the open window, her hair being thrown about by the wind.

I ran down further to her.

"No, I'm going to look around the town a bit longer with Dean. If you guys check the docks we'll check the parks."

She nodded and I saw Luka sitting anxiously beside her. There was a large smiley face sticker on her dash and for reason it lightened my mood just a little.

"It's going to be okay, we'll find him." I assured her, fully aware I couldn't give her any kind of confirmation but I think I was trying to make myself believe it too.

She gave me a crooked smile, before driving off. I motioned towards Dean go follow me before I headed towards my car.

My clothes were damp from standing in the rain and I was glad I had left my heater on. Dean slid into the passenger seat and without a word I drove off in a desperate attempt to save my friend.

We had tried two parks so far and found nothing, he wasn't hanging around the town either as Angie had texted to confirm he wasn't in the local diner or library. The only other place he could go was the old park on the outskirts of town.

Dean leaned over to switch on the radio and a soft indie song began to play.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked cautiously.

I eyed him through the mirror.

"I know about as much as you do. I just hope he's okay."

He nodded before looking away. The sun was beginning to set, basking the town in a slick twilight.

"I can tell how much you care about him, I don't think I have anyone who would care this much if I went missing." He said, almost in a joking matter.

I thought it over before responding. "Sebastian would."

He nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah, I know."

We reached the park and I felt my hope start to dim when I didn't see any figure, it was dark though.

"You can stay here while I scope it out, I'll call you if I see him. There's no point in both of us getting soaked." He said, as we stared out into the rain hitting the windscreen.

He got out without waiting for my reply. I waited a couple of minutes and worry began to set in before he slid back in, his clothes spotted with rain.

He held a navy backpack in his arms, before giving me a very panicked look. He tore open the bag and began pulling things out.

A phone, a spare change of clothes, money notes.."

"It might not be his." I reasoned, my voice raising an octave as he turned the phone on and Sebastian's familiar screen lock flashed on the screen.

"Oh my god." I put my head between my hands, trying to think straight, or not think at all, I wasn't really sure.

It was silent for a few seconds before Dean's gruff voice shattered it.

"I think the only way we'll find him is if he comes to us first."


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