Chapter 2

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"Sharma aunty, is Akshita came here?" Smita asked hopefully. This is her  last hope. After searching a couple of known neighbouring house this is last place where her daughter could be.. She checked all her friend's houses. She went door to door and asked her friends about her whereabouts but just like her everyone is clueless . Smita prays to heaven that her daughter is in this house.  The  grandmother and granddaughter duo of this house is closet companion of Akshita.Whenever she is angry she came here but today its not about anger. May be she is angry with me afterall waiting alone is not feel good thing.

"No,  what happened? "the old  lady replied." You look worried. "she asked caressing her cheeks.

" Actually today  I taught one extra lecture to  weak students and told Akshita to wait in school compound when I reached in compound she is not there so I thought she came home with Sonal. "she replied.

" Oh but Sonal is ill so she didn't went school today."her face became pale by this revelation. "Don't worry she will be here. Where she will go?"Sharma aunty tried to console anxious mother but no failed miserably .

The last door of hope is closed now. Akshita never went anywhere without asking her so what went wrong today. She walked away from the verenda of Sharma aunty's house. Kids were playing in  the garden. Her daughter too played with this kids.
For  a second she felt her shona will come out from her usual hiding place.She will shout mummy from behind. She checked every possible place again. She pulls her hairs and scratches her head in frustration. Sweat buds were forming on her forehead . All newspaper headlines starts ringing in her mind.
Eight month old was raped.
Five year old girl was raped and killed brutally.
Seven year old girl gang raped and left on the road.

"Please  God keep my daughter safe. "she murmurs looking towards sky. My child is safe she recites this phrases again and again to calm her racing heart.Her feet were getting numb. Her plams were swaeting which leads to coldness of her hand. She dialed Sudheer sir's number.

" Hello, sir she is not here."she said in heavy voice.

"Not here either "he replied in equally disappointing voice ." we have search whole premise. Each and every part of building but there is no trace of her. I don't understand where she went all of sudden. "he concluded.

" have you checked cctv footage?"She asked.

"We are checking. There is a man approaching her. She left school with that man. "he replied.

All her worries came to surface. Her face became pale. She takes a cab and told him the address.
A man took her. What is the meaning of this. What is his motive. Why on the earth my Shona went with him. Her hands were fidgeting and legs were quickering.

" Akshita,"  she poke her daughter but can't grab her attention. "Shona listen what I am telling you." she said sternly.

"Yes mummy I am listening" she said without breaking eye contact from the mobile screen.

Smita snatched mobile phone.

"Mummy let me play. I have completed my homework too.

"I know you completed your homework but today I want to discuss something important to you. "

" Is it about father? "

" No "she felt guilty for disappointing her daughter. She promised her on her birthday that she will arrange a  meeting with her father. She tried hard to convince him for the meeting but didn't succeed till date." but soon I'll arrange your meeting . "the statement light up her face. She knew she is giving false hope to her. When she broke the news of her pregnancy.

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