Chapter 27

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I am so happy that you guys take this story in  supportive spirit. Thank you everyone for reading and supporting.

Akshay paid a casual visit to meet Akshita. He brought teddy bear which she requested last week. He press the bell and Smita welcomed him inside.

"Where is Akshita?" he asked

"She went to birthday party. This days she is more on than busy than me. She will come in 2-3 hours. If you wish you can wait." Smita replied.

"No, I came to give her this teddy bear." he said and she asked him to place it on her bed. He went inside and a familiar bottle caught his eyes.

"Akshita is having cough and cold?"he asked.

" Yes , but how can you? "she stopped in mid when he showed her the bottle." this is great medicine and Akshita doesn't show tantrum when I give her. "she completed.

" Discontinue it. "he said.

" Why? "

" because I am saying."

" Give me reason otherwise forget it. "

" Fine, Its addictive. "

" I didn't get you. "

" I was addicted to it. "he said and she raised her brows in confusion.

" When I have returned from Dehradun,I hadn't able to sleep properly. Whole night used to passed by twisting and tossing on bed. One day I cough and cold caught me. Grandad took me to hospital. Physician prescribed three dose of cough syrup in day."

Smita guessed where it is heading. She knew cough syrup makes patient drowsy and dizzy.

" I slept really well at that night. Whole week passed smoothly and I was recovered. I discontinued medication after that but there is strong urge to took one dose. I tried hard really hard, trust me."

"I trust you."Smita ensures and showed confidence in him.

" I watched tv till 11 p. m. than returned to bed. Bottle of that cough syrup just infront of my eyes. My hands were eger to touch it. My feet wanted to go there. I shifted my sight and closed my eyes. "Akshay said closing his eyes.

" Images of those monsters whom I killed, flashed in my eyes. My shirt soaked in sweat. My heartbeat was raising, I can't take it anymore. I ran towards shelf and gulp whole liquid of bottle. "he sighed.

Smita didn't realised her fingers were crossed all this time. The worst happened, years ago but she still hopeful that the obvious hadn't happened. He wouldn't became drug addict. If someone help him at that time,he hadn't fall in that pit.

"It was half bottle of cough syrup initially. After few days its not sufficient so I increased the dose to one bottle. Soon my pocket money is not enough to buy the medicine and Chemist asked bribe to give me my relief substance. I was restless. I can't function without that cough syrup. One day my dad forget to lock his locker. I was afraid of him but my urge is so strong. I tiptoed in his room and steal 5000 rupees. That is enough for two three months. My consumption increased to five bottles at that time. I used to sleep whole day and night. I was clueless about breakfast talks. It raises suspicion of my grandad. He asked me is there something wrong with me and I lied. I lied about everything. I hadn't told me about all those murders which haunted me. I hadn't told about dad's beatings and his mistresess. I can't tell, I was afraid. "

" I wish you had said that,your heart will get relief. May be your grandad found some solution. "

" I don't know about solution but he found out about my addiction. There was a raid of drug inspector on that chemist shop. I was present at that time. Fear engulfed me when I saw police and all those officials. I ran towards home as fast as possible. My slippers stuck on the muddy road but I hadn't care. I was terrified. I reached to backyard of house. My feets were bruised and bleeding. I opened the door and collided with a side table.  Bottles falled on floor and my secret was out in open in front of.... "his voice chocked.

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