Chapter 36

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"Mumma, hurry up." Akshita shouted to Smita who is ironing the clothes.

"Just two minutes Shona." Smita tried to calm hyperactive Akshita.

"Mumma father will come at 5. We only have 30 minutes. I need time." she pouted.

"Shona, 30 minutes is more than enough so calm down."

Smita helped her to wear blue coloured silk frock. Fabric is very soft and shiny. It has embroidery on the neckline and sleeves. Smita took her near mirror to comb her hair.

"Shona be at your best behaviour. Obey your father. Do as he say and don't disrespect him. There will be many guests, greet everyone politely . Its big day for your father. Don't disappoint him." Smita prepare her for the event.

"I know Mumma.... horn of car interrupted her and she ran towards the door.

" Shona wait, wear your shoes. "Smita ran behind her. She make her wear shoes and kissed her forehead. Akshita ran towards the car without looking back. Smita witness eagerness in her child for the first time.

" Hello princess. " Akshay greets her cheerfully .

" Hello. "she meekly said. Akshay helped her in sitting in the car and fixed her seatbelt.

" Father? "

" Yes, princess. "Akshay gave her full attention.

" What I have to do? "she clutches corner of her dress with her hands.

" Nothing much, just be my side. "Akshay said and freed her hands from clutching the dress." Don't be nervous princess. Its going to be alright. "he continued. He wanted to talk her more but they arrived the destination. He choose back door entry this time to avoid paparazzi.

As he entered the venue a man came to assist him. He guided him towards the table across the stage. All eyes were towards them. There is surprise, curiosity and confusion on the face of people. He can understand their state. He thought so much before taking this step. Earlier he hided his relationship with Smita. No one knows his relationship state. His daughter doesn't deserve this. She deserves to be acknowledged as his daughter. Its best birthday gift he can give her.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to 50th edition of business summit and awards" anchor announced from the stage.

There is speeches of veterans which is very informative for him and boring for Akshita. She is yawning but covered her mouth immediately when he looked at her. After the speeches there is award ceremony.

"Businessman of the year 2019 goes to Mr. Akshay Ranawat."Mr. K. Subramanyam announced from the stage.

Akshay moved towards the stage and take the honour given to him.

" Thank you chamber of commerce for giving me Businessman of the year award for two consecutive years. I am thankful to Subramanyam sir for always helping me in the beginning of my career. Without your support its impossible for me to reach here." Akshay showed gratitude to the old man and he returns the gesture with a warm smile.

" I am thankful to almighty for bestowing good fortune on me. I am thankful to my employees who work hard to achieve our goals. " he said and looked towards Akshita who is admiring him. She clapped enthusiastically when his name was announced. Media persons are busy in capturing the event and he can't get better opportunity than this to make the announcement.

" This year I want to dedicate this award to one person whose existence enlighten my life. She brings joy and happiness with her. I am dedicating this award to my daughter Akshita Ranawat." his announcement grab attention of everyone. All cameras were zoom on him and reporters were eager to report the development. He knew this will create sensations but he doesn't care. He was about to came down from the stage but stay rooted when Akshita ran towards him. He sat on his knees to reach her level. She hugged him very tightly and he lift her in his arms. Cameraman didn't left the chance to capture picture perfect moment.

"I love you dad. I love you so much." she said in his ears. Her voice is chocked due to tears flowing from her eyes. The moment is overwhelming for both father and daughter. He rubbed her back to soothe her. He came down from the stage and camera flashes surrounded them. Reporters were zooming on her face and she hides her face in his chest.

Akshay moved towards the restroom to calm his daughter. She is new to this world. From now onwards she will be known as his daughter and people will watch her movements. Paparazzi is bane of elite lifestyle. People forget the difference between personal and professional life. Your each moment will be recorded by someone and you always have to be in your best behaviour.

He let her sit on the sofa at the corner of the room. He kneeled in front of her to match her eye level.

"Princess, this is my birthday gift to you. Always remember your dad love you more than anything in the world." He takes her hand in his hand. Tears were flowing from his eyes which he held back for so long.

"and you also remember I love you more than anything in the world." she wiped his tears.

"I am so happy today. Now I'll show that Anuj that my dad loves me. He did not hate me and left me." she uttered and Akshay gave faint smile to her. He knew kids can be morons and this Anuj is example of that.

"Dad I'll take you to our annual function and we will win all the father child activities." she keep saying about events, Akshay has no idea but agreed to her.

They came out after half an hour and dinner is ready to serve. All the time Akshita stayed by his side without uttering a single word. He was talking to various big guys and she is the only child in the room. She ate cautiously, repeating actions of elders. She tugged on his pants and he bowed down.

"Dad, I want to pee." she whispered in his ears. He took her to women washroom.

"princess do you need assistance? He asked and she nodded. Her mother instructed to keep her clothes clean. she feared of stains and agreed to assistance when she did not needed it. Akshay asked a woman and she agreed to help.

" A man with a young child. Doesn't you feel you need help of a woman." she crossed his personal space.

"I don't feel so." he replied politely. Akshita was looking them with wide eyes.

She put her index finger on his face and lean on him. "such a handsome man without a woman in his arms is greatest tragedy." Her breast touched his hard chest. Akshay's mouth dried and palm sweats. His control his breathing. He did not want a nervous breakdown in front of his daughter. "you must having hard, I can help." he hands moved downwards.

"Look miss I don't need anything from you. Please leave." he said firmly and she presses herself on him. It can give an impression of make out to others. Suddenly some water droplets touch his face and she jerked off from him.

"Stay away from my daddy." Akshita was standing with a water jar in hand. She throwed water on this lady.

"You spoilt brat." she growled

"Enough miss, I'll not listen a word against my child. You need to correct your behaviour not my girl. I am warning you to leave the place otherwise I have to take other ways which is not good for you." Akshay said firmly and she stomped out from the room.

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