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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 10

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

"This is totally, 100 percent awkward" Marilyn whispered.

"No doubt" I mutter back.

At the moment we were in the auditorium getting ready to audition for Romeo and Juliet. There was only 3 girls here, auditioning for Juliet. Me, Marilyn and none other than Yasmime.

We had all managed to avoid her everywhere (except my gym class.) But of course, she had to join theatre.

"Alright girls. Marilyn you can go first, then Summer, then Yasmine" The teacher smiled at us.

Lets jump into this.


"Thank you so much girls! The roles should be posted by next week" Mrs. Serena said.

"Alright! Have a nice day" I smiled at her.

"I'll see you after school" Marilyn pattted my arm and ran off towards her next class.

Which left me and Yasmine walking on opposite sides of the hall to gym.

Just when I thought we had made it into the clear she spoke.

"So you and Anthony" She muttered.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"Makes sense" She laughed bitterly.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He always had a thing for you"

"I don't think so" I said.

"Why do you think I hate you?" She rolls her eyes. "Don't give me that shocked look. Just because Anthony & I broke up doesn't mean I still don't hate you"

"You're just so blunt about it" I grumble.

I hated being this insecure but she just did this to me. She made me feel small.

"Listen Summer" Yasmine grabbed my arm with her claws and I hissed in pain. "I'm going to go for him"

"Excuse me?"

"Anthony. I think it's obvious that we had something good. You just got in between us" She crossed her arms.

"How did I do that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Wow. He doesn't tell you anything" She cackles.


"We broke up because he chose you over me" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"We only started dating this summer"

"No duh. You were just too naive to see how hopelessly in love he was with you. He blew off dozens of dates so he could hang out with you. He would tell me that he was hanging out with Eric and then I would find out he was with you. The day he was supposed to meet my parents, he canceled because you had the flu-"

"I think you're overreacting. There was no way he ditched you that many times and there is no way he had feelings for me back then" I sigh.

She was always the jealous type.

"Oh come on Summer. I hate you but you're not dumb. You had to see it" She rolled her eyes and walked into the gymnasium.

This class went by quick. I ignored everything I was feeling and pushed all my aggression out during volleyball. I honestly hated the sport but I was so confused, angry and flustered that I needed to hit something that wasn't Yasmine's face.

Finally 8th period ended and we were leaving the school but something was still bugging me. Yasmine and Anthony's break up was messy. Really messy. There was fights in the middle of class, cheap jabs etc. That couldn't of all been because of me. So I decided to question Yasmine about it.

The boys were at football practice and Marilyn had just walked up so it was the perfect time to ask her.

"Yasmine" I called out and ignored Marilyn's 'what the hell are you doing' stare.

"What?" She stopped and stared at me.

"What did you do? I mean why was the break up so messy?" I questioned. This must be the adrenaline pumping through my body from gym because I never would have did this otherwise.

She looked around and scoffed.

"I slept with Tanner"

Before I could say or do anything, Marilyn was by my side.

"Okay, bye Yasmime" She said and pulled me away.

"You were going to hit her" Marilyn hissed once we got far enough away.

"Huh?" I asked, still shocked.

"You got that look you get when you're pissed. You were going to hit her. What did she say?"

The shock dissapaited and the anger seeped into my body. I ignored Marilyn and stomped my way to the football field where Tanner was practicing.

"We need to talk" I growled.

"Yeah? What's up pretty lady?" Tanner grinned at me.

"You slept with Yasmine" I grimaced.

"That was a long time ago. No need to be jealous"

"I'm not" I punched his gear covered chest.

"Then what's the problem?" He sighed, obviously annoyed that I hit him.

"Anthony is your best friend and you slept with his girlfriend"

"Shouldn't you be glad? If I didn't then he would still be with her" He scoffed.

"That hurt him Tanner. He spent months trying to get over her. He obviously knew. And you tortured him by staying around. God, what is wrong with you?" I spat out. 

"What's wrong with me? You're right. I slept with his girlfriend. But guess what? Some day you're going to have to tell him that we were together. That'll 'destroy' him even more" Tanner rolled his eyes.

"It's different. He doesn't care about me as much as he cared about Yasmine" I said.

"Are you kidding me? He spent the past four years pining after you. It'll kill him more then anything Yasmine did" Tanner scoffed.

"He didn't pine after me" I mumble.

"Are you trying to convince me? I don't see why unless you want something" Tanner smirked grossly at me.

"Excuse me?" I crinkled my nose.

He had to be kidding me.

"Listen. We were together. You don't have to try so hard to get in bed with-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was on the floor underneath Anthony getting his face pummeled.

a u t h o r s  n o t e

Sorry for such an short & erratic chapter! This was just a filler to set the next events in motion! I hope you guys enjoyed!

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