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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 13

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

Today was Sage & May's birthday and every year we go out together. Just us. For the longest time, we were the only girls in the family and it would be fun to get away from the chaos. I thought about taking Sky along for the trip but decided against it since she was still very young and I didn't want to take attention away from the twins.

"Are we going to the coffee shop or the diner?" I asked when the twins came down stairs.

"Coffee shop!" Sage yelled.

"I wanted to go to the diner" May complained.

"You got to choose where we were going today though May" I told her.

"Whatever" May sighed.

May was a spitting image of my mom (and me.)  Blonde hair and blue eyes with a petite form. She was also into cheerleading (which made my mother very happy.)

Sage had a dark mahogany colored hair and forest green eyes. She made her hatred for this known. She says that she looks like she's adopted because her hair and eyes don't match anyone in the family. She did look like the odd one out in family photos but her love for sports showed that she was part of the family.

"How's cheerleading?" I asked as we got into my car.

"It's good! Mom was teaching me her old routines so I can kick the other girls butts" May smiled widely.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be on the same team?" I asked.

"Yeah but if I want a shot at captain in high school, I gotta show them who's boss" She flipped her hair back.

"Of course" I laughed.

"Have you figured out what sport you're going to try out for Sage?" I asked a few minutes later.

"I was thinking hockey" She said while staring out the window.

"Hockey? Why not football?" I asked.

"Nobody cares about the girls football team" She rolled her eyes. "And everyone in this family goes out for football"

"Don't you always complain about not fitting in with us?"

"May don't start" I frown at her.

We spent an hour getting breakfast at the coffee shop. Technically it wasn't really breakfast since we ordered regular foods like always but it was still 11 am and the first meal of the day.

"I love the onion rings from here" Sage says while shoving a handful in her mouth.

"Ew Sage" May laughed.

"Don't choke" I snorted.

"So... any boys?" I asked after making May roll her eyes.

"Boys aren't even that fun to be around"

"True" Sage nodded.

"Don't lie" May smirked.


"I know you like that kid on the hockey team" May grinned.

"Ooh what kid?" I asked.

"Nobody" Sage rolled her eyes.

"Benjamin Prescott" May wiggled her eyebrows.

"Shut up" Sage kicked her.

"Ow!" May whined.

"No hitting" I laughed.

After we finished eating we headed to the mall. I promised to buy each of them a new outfit to wear for Thanksgiving.

We spent a few hours just walking through different stores. I bought some stuff for myself but May couldn't find anything she liked.

"Are you really dating Tony?" Sage asked.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"I thought you didn't like him" She said.

"I always liked him. He was my friend first" I laughed.

"But you would always act like you didn't want to be around him"

"Well that was our thing. He would say something to annoy me and I would tell him I didn't like him" I said.

"So he wasn't annoying?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I never said that" I laughed.

"That's weird" She shrugged.

"It is" I grinned.

After 10 minutes, May had finally found an outfit. It was a pair of black leggings, a white t-shirt and a brown cardigan.

Once we paid, Sage knew where she wanted to go right away. Just the sports store. She had gotten a pair of leggings a few stores back so she was just getting a shirt.

I was looking through some sports equipment when May came running towards me.

"Summer!" She whisper-yelled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Sage is talking to the kid she likes" She squealed.

"Where?" I asked and she lead me over to wear they were.

Sage was standing there, blushing with a kid that looked around her age.

"Your family is really into football right?" He asks, gesturing to the football jersey in her hands.

"Yeah- but this isn't for me" She stutters out. "I mean it is! But I'm not really into football"

"Then why are you getting a football jersey?" The kid asks.

"Football is important in my family" She says and her entire face turns red.

"He knows that already" May whispers and I shush her.

"Im trying out for the girls hockey team" Sage blurts out.

"Cool! I play hockey" The kid smiles excitedly.

"I know- I mean I've seen you play before" Sage smiles.

"C'mon girl. Shoot your shot" May whispers and I laugh silently.

"So I gotta go. Bye" Sage waves and rushes towards the cash register.

"Bye" The kid smiles confusedly.

"Sage! Why didn't you shoot your shot with Benjamin!" May whisper-yells at her when we get out of the store.

"I don't like him!" Sage growls.

"It looked like you liked him" I laugh.

"You like him" May squeals and grabs Sage's arm.

"I hate you guys" Sage stomps off leaving May & I laughing.

a u t h o r s  note

This chapter was sort of a filler and a hint at the 3rd book in the Preston series (which will be about Sage)

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