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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 14

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

Thanksgiving was always a big holiday at my house. It has to do with the whole big family thing.

This year, my mom invited Anthony over for dinner since we're 'together.'

Which I'm pretty sure she regretted right now. Since we almost just ruined the turkey.

"I can not believe you two" Mom shook her head and stomped back into the kitchen.

"I told her that it wasn't a good idea to ask us to take the turkey out of the oven" I shrugged.

Dad laughed while shaking his head.

"So Tony" Dad looks over at us. "Coach  Morello is letting you play in the last game of the season?"

"Yes sir" Anthony nodded.

"What about that Tanner kid?" He asked.

"He's playing too" Anthony said and Dad laughed.

"You're an open book son"

"What?" He asked.

"You look like you're about to hit someone when you talk about that kid" Dad laughed. "Your father was the same way in high school"

"I know" Anthony frowned.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine" He nodded.

We continued watching the movie, The March Of The Wooden Soldiers but my mind drifted off to time we went to The Land Of Make Believe. That was one of my favorite trips. We were about 5 at the time. It was just Eric, Matt and I at the time. None of the other kids were born. So Mom & Dad invited Marilyn and Anthony on the trip. We left home at 6 am and made it there by 10 am.

I remember the times because Anthony had just gotten a Blues Clues watch for his birthday and he spent the entire time teaching me about time.

We spent hours riding on rides and just running around being kids. We took a picture on the train ride there. Anthony's parents have the picture framed at their house because it's honestly adorable. Eric was kissing Marilyn on the cheek and Anthony had hugged me. We were cheek to cheek.

That was the day I started having a crush on him I think. I remember trying to kiss his cheek like Eric kissed Marilyn's but he pulled my hair. So I pushed him off the train.

I looked over at Anthony. He was watching the movie, laughing about something that happened. His laugh made my lips quirk up. His black hair was swiped to the side and his green eyes were soft.

His eyes glanced over at me and he smiled at me. So I smiled back.

"You're staring" Matt whispered from next to me.

"I know" I tore my eyes from him to look at Matt.

"You love him" Matt said quietly.

"I don't know" I said honestly.

I don't know how I feel about Anthony honestly.


"Anthony that's disgusting" I laughed while setting the table.

"My hands are clean" He rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't matter" I poke his side.

"Woah. Are you challenging me?" He turned around.

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