The collision

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With a loud thud I smashed the alarm clock on my bed coz even I m asleep I know that I can't afford a fifteen dollar worth clock to smash it per day. So instead of throwing it on floor I used to throw it on bed.
Hangout with friends at weekends is always fun but waking up on Monday with headache ,is disastrous, specially when you can't handle the booze. The urge to go back to sleep is tempting but you can't do as you please, specially when you are a scholarship student at your school.

"time to wake up"dad shouted from downstairs "breakfast is on the table ,have it before going to school"and I heard the front door slammed in hurry. Working as a driver is not easy to handle when you have a strict and successful business man as your boss. Yep! my dad is working as a driver since we moved here. With a heavy heart I strode towards the bathroom. After a quick shower I get dressed and came down for breakfast. Dad's cooking is not very good but It's better than empty stomach coz the boxing coach in Amber High is a tyrant when it comes to practice.

The door bell rang on its scheduled time and I opened the door for Mika,my neighbour and classmate and best friend as well. She is a pretty girl with blonde hair, sharp nose and a set of blue eyes." Morning "she greeted revealing her perfect row of white teeth. I waved in her direction and asked" have you finished your assignment on English ".

"Don't tell me today is the last day of submission" she asked a bit tensed. I know she has poor grades in English.
I nodded in affirmative. She lunged forward and grabbed me by shoulders and stared in my eyes "can I copy yours .......pleaseeeeee!" She made her usual doggy face, pouting her lips and blinking her eyes more than usual. I narrowed my eyes as if am considering "I will treat you lunch! " she further stated.

"Fine" I shrugged and went to get the keys to lock the door.

Mika had a car ,not like she was a princess but better than us ,her father owned a grossary store in town, not a big one but enough to manage a family of four, her parents and a little brother Seth,annoying as hell.

"How is Seth?" I asked ,not even interested in getting the answer.

"Such a pain in ass as always" she shrugged rolling her eyes. Mika loves her brother but shows contrary.

"Do you have practice today" she asked while parking the car at school. I nodded.

"God...! Why the hell you have to practice so hard when you're already so good at it" she complaint coming out of the car. I Stared at her narrowing my eyes"for the fucking scholarship thingyyy....I get it " she answered own her own raising her one hand in surrender tilting her head at one side.

We walked through hallway to get books from locker.
"Hey,what's up guys" asked Michael on the way waving his hand to us."hey Mikey "chirped Mika ,grabbing my hand she walked in his direction,dragging me behind. I only smiled to him." If it was not for yesterday I would have never known you can't handle the alcohol "he patted on my shoulder.

" like we are allowed to drink officially by birth"I replied sarcastically sliding his hand off from my shoulder.

"Don't tell me that was your first time" he asked raising his eyebrows in amusement and scoffed.

Thinking about the things that I can't handle makes me nervous or angry.
"Yes that was my first time, any problem" I asked,plastering my nervousness with anger.

"Dude take it easy ,that's not a question of life and death" he exclaimed.

I calmed myself down and nodded. "I'll be going first class is psychology" I left but turned around to glance at them ,Mika was looking at me 'you own me an explanation' she mouthed,'and you own me a lunch' I imitated her expression. I turned and walked forward"but I don't have your assignment "she shouted ,gaining all the attention in hallway. " its at driver's seat in your car "I replied, turning my head a little bit just enough to look at her while walking,she was stomping her feet in fake anger. Tensing a bit she covered her eyes with one hand as if something bad is going to happen,then gestured me to turn around.

Suddenly I bumped into something hard and solid like a wall 'but there is no wall in hallway' I thought. Or more like I bumped into someone. My head was still buzzing with the sudden collision. My confusion was cleared when I was grabbed by the the color of my shirt, a deep voice growled in front of me coated with the fuming anger " watch where are you going, shithead!".

I raised my head to look at the owner of the voice. A large figure, with tanned skin was looking at me,eyes red with anger and frustration. I stretched my back to reach his eye level shifting my weight on my toes.
"Oh! my sorry I don't have eyes on my back" I said sarcastically "now excuse me I have a class" I walked past him knowingly bumping my shoulder into him.

Few girls ,who were standing in hallway drooling over me, gasped in surprise. Being a star player of school came with certain amount of popularity. I shrugged at them and winked.
The bell rang. ' saved by the bell' I thought and walked to my class ,still feeling two eyes boring a hole in my head.

I sat on my seat by the window. The sun was shining but in a soothing way ,the morning breeze made me more alive,easing the tensed memory of corridor. 'but who the fuck was that guy?' I thought ' never seen him before'.

"Mr. Smith can you stop daydreaming ?" I snapped from the trance upon hearing the voice of Vittoria Haze our psychology teacher.
"Can you be a little bit more attentive in my class?" She asked slightly frowning.
"Sure" I reluctantly answered.
"Before beginning the class I want you guys... to welcome a student in your class" she said perching her lips in a civilised smile. Then,entered a talk figure,black sports shoes,grey denims and a white t shirt quoting" Don't try to define me".

I raised my chin to glance at his face "you got to be kidding me" I murmured breathing deeply. Our eyes mate for a split of second and his body stiffen under my gaze.

"Are you gonna introduce yourself?" Ms. Haze asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ahhmm......" He cleared his throat,placing his right hand on the string of his backpack" everyone I am Samuel"he said.

Ms. Haze questioningly furrowed her eyebrows and spoke "and?".

He thought for a moment and added" And.... you can call me Sam"." I...don't like to be called by my surname "he uttered the last line more to himself than to others.

" OK ,that's enough for now "she said excitedly mounting her one palm on other." Sam you can have that seat by the window "she said pointing her index finger in my direction. I inhaled a deep sigh.

He hesitated for a moment fidgeting his left hand with his keys as if thinking of something. He looked up,suddenly his hesitation transformed into amusement and he smirked,shrugging his shoulders he walked in my direction.Suddenly I became more conscious of his presence . I stretched my back to sit straight as if sensing some kind of danger.

He walked with a proud smirk placing his keys in his left pocket and changing his backpack from right to left shoulder. While crossing my desk he knowingly bumped his backpack on my table scattering my things on the floor.

" you jerk...."I grabbed his left shoulder. He used his right hand to turn me around and hugged me from behind positioning his both hands on my each bicep, blocking my body for further movements. Lowering his lips to my left ear he murmured "you started all this... now it's payback time"

"Hey calm down, it was an accident" shouted Ms. Haze angrily. "Both of you stop fighting in my class...,otherwise detention on the first day of school" she blurted out.

We stopped and sat on our seats, stretching our wrinkled clothes,but not before giving eachother a death glare. I picked up my things and the class started. I stared at board but my mind was elsewhere thinking of the back to back two incident since the morning. 'The jerk sure have some guts otherwise who wanna mess with a star boxer of school',I sighed mentally.

Suddenly the ringing bell for lunch brought me back to my senses ,I turned around and looked at the seat behind me ,on which the jerk was sitting. It was empty, so I turned back and startled to find the asshole bending over my desk both of hands placed on either sides,wearing his usual smirk he asked "looking for me?"

I scoffed and retorted "you own me an apology".

" apology for what? "He asked shamelessly grinning at me.

" For bumping into my things and scattering them on the floor "I said gritting my teeth to calm myself down.

" Oh!... my sorry......! I don't have eyes on my back "he repeated my words from the morning and grinned devilishly. I was dumbfounded for the moment and he left the class wearing a victorious smile.

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