Showing Around

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The morning bell shrieked on its scheduled time, yanking the covers I rushed to the bathroom to finish my morning routine though I was not an early bird. On other days, Maria had to force me to descend the bed with certain threats previously supervised by my father before going to office.
"Morning" ,the words came spontaneously from my mouth as I saw Maria at the dining table picking up plates ,used by dad to eat his so called nutritious food consisted of raw or boiled veggies. The thought and images of him and his doings filled me with disgust and my mouth became bitter. I looked at Maria who seemed to be dazed or more like astound,I flashed her a smile, confusing her a bit more, she forgot to blink and her eyes seemed to be popped out of its sockets. In my normal days I was not as polite as today,She looked startled by the new me.

I raised a hand in air "  can I have breakfast Maria? " she sensed the urgency in my voice and nodded, mouth slightly opened to say something ,instead she huffed as if holding her breath further would suffocate her. What could I say, i never greeted anyone before ,not even my father. Being the prodigy son of this house the workers should greet me but there was I greeting a maid own my own and sending her at her wits end by my astonishing behaviour to her.

"B...but.." She stuttered like a three year old kindergarten kid " y..your breakfast is n...not ready yet "rubbing her hands together she broke the most heartbreaking news of the day. I woke up a bit early today how can I blame her?  " a glass of juice will be good "I assured and she rushed to bring the juice and I gulped it down.

George was waiting outside fully dressed in his suit wearing a heartwarming smile. He greeted and opened the door, hopping on I tuned the radio." I would have never known that you are such a kid"he uttered amusingly, " school must be fun". I looked at him,his eyes plastered on the road smiling he slowed the vehicle and glanced " finally found something interesting at school"I blurted out in excitement. Before he can intimidate me any further I changed the topic of discussion "you are my bodyguard, right?" He nodded in agreement. "You must be very well equipped with fighting techniques" he frowned slightly as if I was doubting his capabilities"can you teach me a few of your boxing moves".

Parking the car at the sidewalk he turned to me" you yourself is good at boxing, why'd you need my moves" he furrowed his brows and searched the truth in my eyes. George knew me well and can sense the conspiracy in my thoughts still I lied" you know my school is well known for its boxing,"I admitted "I just wanted to be a part of that fame". Before I was caught in my own web,I raised my wrist indicating the time,he started the car and reminded me" you know ,you are good at boxing to secure a place in school"he assured "you are better off without me, this time". 

We parked at school ,I hopped out waving a good bye to him. As I strode to gate,I sensed a pair of eyes staring at me but as I turned, he looked away pretending to search something in his backpack. Instead of running away from problems or from anything, it's better to face and confront them. What could I say ?,even if  I am a douchebag, I have my own ideals. So out of habit I walked towards Michael, he nervously waved at me grinning innocently like a child caught while stealing the forbidden cookies.

" well! hello there"I said "where is your friend ?" He shoved his hands in his pockets" Mika is not coming today"he feigned ignorance about the person I was interested in." Is that so?" I intimidated him. He might have felt the growing anger in my voice and suddenly corrected his guess " oh! You must be asking about Mathew, he went to locker room "indicating the direction he raised his hand in air".  I once more glared at him and left for the lockers.   

As I walked in locker room, he was struggling to hold the weight of his books in his one hand,clutching them to his heart as if his life depend on them,trying to unlock the locker with the other. He indistintively glanced at me,his body stiffened under my gaze and he lost balance slipping all the books out of his hand. I walked fast to help him. He squatted to pick up them, I also sat on my knees to recover the books.

He glared daggers at me" what the fuck are you trying to do"? he blazed with anger. I was taken aback by the amount of anger rushing through his veins,making him Scarlett red,a vein popped out ,at one side of his forehead. I tried to lighten the mood " I am trying to help you dumbass",he soften for a blink of eye ," an extra hand can always be helpful ",I winked at him as if cracking the best joke of century.

It further infuriated him" take your extra hand and shove it to your ass"he  clenched his jaw and stood up to leave. I lunged forward to grab him by his hoodie and slammed him in one of the lockers " don't you try to mess with me,I only tried to be polite " I fumed, this asshole angered me as hell. How dared he took down me. I needed to teach him a lesson. I placed a finger on his chest while holding him still with one hand " you are the   one... " I pressed the finger with all might I had"... who bumped into me,you are the one... who refused to apologise." I continuously poked my finger at his chest with all the might I had ,to cause him acute pain as each time I pointed 'you are the one'. He hissed with pain and tried to yank me away, but i was not done yet."and today-- again you...are....the one....who started to fool around. You are.....soooo....going to regret your fucking mouth "I warned him intentionally emphasising the words.

I loosened the grip on him,he stumbled forward and grabbed me by shoulders for support, to keep himself still. His eyes were glossy,face flushed and he was breathing heavily on my neck. The feeling caught me off guard, the hair on the back of my neck perked up.

" enough ",I jerked him away " you have to show me around today,"I reminded him and left him own his own.

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