A Kiss With A Punch - 2

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Sam already was in one of the corners of the ring wearing a blue outfit and welcomed me with his snobbish smirk When I reached the arena . I just ignored him and turned my eyes to the audience. The V. I. P. section was filled with the staff and other faculty members. Coach guided me to the ring giving random advises here and there. My eyes landed on the desk stating 'honorable chief guest' and to my utter surprise the person sitting on that seat was none other than Mr. Beckett who flashed me a genuine smile and I nodded in acknowledgement. At his right side was principal Henry.

"hey.....! Over here.... " the chirping voice of Mika caught my attention who was waving at me with pom poms in both of her hands. I smiled and waved back. Michael was beside the ring along with the corner crew and signaled me a thums-up to start the fight.

With a roar of applause the first bout started which we spent in just sizing up each other and both of us didn't score any point. At the end we retrieved back to the corners.  Two more rounds went in vain. In one minutes' rest Mika came steering through the the corner crew while Michael was helping me to put on the hand strips.

"what's wrong...? Look around the people are getting bored. Is it coz of him...... " she turned her gaze to the opposite corner where Sam was with a bottle of water in his hand. Suddenly he looked up and found us staring and I had to look away.

" Shut up..... " I nipped her in the bud
" It has nothing to do with him. He is playing defensive and so am I. How am I supposed to score when none of us is attacking or arn't letting our defenses down? " I explained to Mika. I too was frustrated with the boring fight. Moreover it felt like a punishment to face the person who I so badly wanted to avoid.

" I don't know but you need to win this and show him who is the boss  " she patted on my back and left for her seat. Her words worked like magic charging me up with courage.

Once again the match started.
'My tech was defensive but why the hell is he not hitting.....? I wondered for a moment during the round. As none of us had wore the head guard so I decided to target that peculiarly venerable area. No offenses.....but i needed to win this at any cost. " com'on...... That's all you have got " I provoked.

"i don't wanna hurt you......" taking a step closer he said letting his guard down for a split of second.

That's exactly what I was waiting for. With two quick left jabs I used the right hook on his jaw line making him spit out blood along with his gum guard
" you already did..... Now what the hell is holding you back. Com on hit me or let me score......" I aimed for the temple shot with the purpose to knock him out but with his left hand he held my wrist in mid air and raised his other hand towards my ear. I expected a right hook on my jawline and used my left hand to guard the area. Instead.... the back of my neck was grabbed and I was pulled forward with force and a thunder electrocuted me when a wet sensation touched my lips.

'A Kiss........! That asshole just kissed me in the boxing ring. Moreover in between the boxing round.....in front of the whole school.....in front of his father......' I was too dumbstruck to react instantly. A moment later when I realized the embarrassing position we were into i pushed him away and tried to punch him with my feeble fists all of which he dogded effortlessly.

"what the fuck.... " I again lunged forward and grabbed his shoulder with one hand ready to beat the living day light out of him. But he closed the distance between us by pressing our bodies together and snaked his arms over my biceps. His fingers ruthlessly clutched the hair on the back of my head and forced me to look up. As soon as I lifted my chin he leaned forward and kissed me again. I struggled and tried to take a kidney shot. He might have sensed my next move so he pushed me down on the ground. He mounted himself on my waist and said with a smirk " I am the winner and you are my trophy..... " .

"fuck you.... "A fist-cum-slap with the boxing gloves on, across the face angered him even further and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them on the either sides of my head. Once again he ferociously devoured my lips and ordered " say it.....you are the winner and I am your trophy...." he forced the words onto my earlobes  "say it..... or I am gonna make you cum right here....in front of the whole school" he shamelessly commanded.

"in your dreams..... "I defied his demanding voice.

" alright..... As you wish " he migrated my hands over my head and tightly glued them in place just with one of his hands. He got rid of the glove of his free hand with the help of his mouth and started to push up my boxing vest over my chest.

"You bastard....." I struggled to stop him. The asshole had no shame at all. Contrary to my wish my body was ready to comply with his orders. The tingles of his pores on my bare chest were making it hard to resist the temptation. To make matters even worse he leaned forward to kiss my chest. I shivered just thinking about the feel of his lips on my stiff beads "stop it...." I shouted in between my laboured breathing "..... i accept..... I accept..... " I said with a broken breath. 

He stopped and looked up to my face waiting for me to complete the rest of the sentence ".... I accept that you are the winner....." I hesitantly uttered.

"and.... " he raised his eyebrows. And I had to turn my head to the other side in humiliation. " say it.... or I won't stop" he whispered in my ear taking a bite of the soft flesh at the same time fiddling with one of my nipples .

I closed my eyes shut in embarrassment. There was no way to stop him nor there was any other way to hold back the already leaking precum in my shorts. The only option I had, was to surrender....! Surrender to my own desires..... surrender to my feelings for him and to let him dominate me. Therefore sliding my self esteem aside, just for a moment, i admitted in one breath
" OK I accept it.... you are the winner and I am your trophy...." as soon the words left my lips they were captured again in a heated Kiss. The previous sense of humiliation turned into a soothing warmth. And the audience hooted in excitement.....!Our lips parted with a click sound.

Leaving me on the ground he stood up and walked to the referee. " I think I am the winner of the match as you see the looser is still on the ground..."  I heard Samuel speaking through the mic. My eyelashes drooped in exhaustion shutting down all the signs of struggle and I took a few deep breaths.

"for a long time you all were suspecting that Mathew and I are boyfriends. So let me make it clear for once and all ......" the people silenced and I literally could hear the thumping of my own heartbeat "It's not true......" on hearing those words my heart sank to the pit of my stomach and the audience made a  disappointed 'oohhh......' sound. I wanted to slap myself for expecting too much when everything for Sam was just a game of dominance. I tried hard to force back the tears ready to roll on my cheeks.

Samuel walked to me and extended his hand to help me up and cleared his throat "but today I officially want to ask him out....."he admitted to the audience who in return encouraged him to go ahead. " Mathew Smith would you like to be my boyfriend...." I was too shocked to blink. He sheepishly smiled and further added with a wink ".....refusing is not an option.... ".

The gymnasium resonated with the claps.... whistles.... and demanding voices of ' say yes'. Whether I was too shocked or too happy to form the
words only God knows but I just nodded in acceptance with the teary eyes.

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