Digging the Info

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" Best friends..... ?" I could not believe what I just heard. Samuel couldn't be the son of any of his friends,could he ?Mr Henry is a well known person in town with a long friend list. Who this person could be that he was referring to?. A friend list. Right?

" Did you checked his friend list " ? I asked Michael. He looked up from the screen of his phone and gleamed with hope.

"Why didn't i thought about it?" He wondered on his own stupidity." let's get over with it"Patting a place next to him he invited me to sit on the bed he was lying flat on his stomach, elbows dug deep into the mattress to support his upper body.

I sat next to him eyes glued to the screen of his phone. He was investing each name carefully. Why am I doing this. I have better things to focus on, like upcoming trials next week. I just wanted to get over with it. I sighed at the thought.

" why are we doing this? " I asked dejectedly. He raised his head in confusion , I hesitated to face his questionable gaze. He shifted his body to lay on one side ,adjusting his hand on his cheek to support his body weight ,he huffed a cloud of warm breath.

" why don't you tell me....?'' He fired the question back to me  " I am just spying on him ...... , you  know?" he shrugged and after taking a thoughtful pause he continued  " of course you know......,in fact you are the one who told me to spy on
him ". he clicked his tongue sarcastically.

I nodded at his statement. He was right I was the one who told him to dig some info on him. So that I could keep in check his fucking intimidating  confidence. The kind of confidence that shows that he owns the school. The way he walks in school,wearing that cocky smirk eyeing me as if I am the only available  prey to suit his hunting instinct. WTF I did to him?
If accidentally bumping into him can be labeled as crime ,can it?,then sure I am guilty as charged. But who in their normal state would consider it as a crime,no one ,right? Except for a psycho. Otherwise why is he so hell bent on destroying me and my image at school?.

" I don't know " I replied not even realising what I said.

"You got to be kidding me" he sat up to match my eye  level and stared straight to me.

" I just don't want to waste my energy on him " I reasoned with him.

I stood up and walked to the window of my room and bent over it to look outside " he is not worth of my attention "peeking back to him I declared and turned to look outside again.

The Sun was setting below the horizon, ready to cover the world in a starlit night. My father would be back from work soon. I needed to cook dinner for us. Yeah! I have many more things to worry about than to get along with his shitty games.

" then don't ... " he caught me off guard bouncing on my back and shoving the words straight to my ear. I stepped back still trying to figure out what he said. I was so drowned in my world that I forgot that Mike was still there. I  tried to rewind the conversation between us and figured out what he meant.

" just ignore him.... " he snapped a finger. I blinked at the solution he proposed.


I should give it a chance. I was still considering if it is worth a try. Things could come back to track,if it works.

"Need a hand ....?" Dad asked walking to  the kitchen and bending over the counter.

"It's OK " I smiled " how was your day? "I asked in return.  Since the day I fucking met that moron, I did not had a real conversation with dad.

" As usual ...." He replied smiling but his eyes were cold ,contrary to his lit up face.

" Work trouble.....? " avoiding the fake smile he gave me, I posed the question,still washing my hands in sink after doing the dishes that we used to eat the dinner.

" nothing serious "  he assured going back to the couch " how is your practice going? ".

" It's hard to focus on while so much going around " he quirked at my response. When I realised what have I blurted out,the urge to mentally slap myself was there. How could I drag him into my petty affairs?. He was tired enough from hard work that he was doing to provide us a better life,why to bother  him any further?.

"I ....mean,school, grades and practice" in an attempt to explain my previous statement I tried to convince him " it's hard to manage things".

" these are the common worries of a high schooler" I sat on couch beside him leaning my head on his shoulder " you should not let these things get you " he combed my hair like a loving father he had always been.

He was right. The things that I mentioned were, of course,common but what about the douche who was giving me a hell lot trouble, making it difficult to survive? May be Michael was right, all I need to do is just ignore him, like he doesn't exist. But who am I flattering,if it was so easy to get off the hook,I would have done that just punching him straight. It seemed, the more I wanted to get away from him the more he kept on coming closer.

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