Chapter Three

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Five years.

Five fucking years since he last saw her.

Rhea was hugging him, nearly breaking all the bones in his back but he hugged her back with as much strength, tears slipping from his eyes as he held his daughter, never wanting to let go of her again. The last time he had seen her...chained, bloodied, so many scars crossed her body, her body had been starved, her bones jutting out, her skin so pale it had been transparent, her veins showing, no light allowed in the room, so she would always be in darkness. The iron mask over her face so he couldn't know what she looked like.

He had left her like that.

Rhys had gone back after Amarantha's death, looking for her but the door had been wide open, the chains and mask broken, no sign of her. He had searched, but no sign of her.

Because Eris Vanserra had her.


Rhys realised Rhea was also crying, tears soaking his shirt, as his tears soaked her dress. Her body was so fragile and petite from years of starvation and malnutrition, but she had gained weight, but he didn't like it one bit. She was far too skinny still.

He'd fucking rip Eris apart.

Rhys pulled back, cupping Rhea's face with his hands. Her identical blue-black hair she had inherited from him, those icy blue eyes, from Dekara, her mother, her skin was a bit too pale for his concerns and he wanted nothing more to grab her and bring her back to Velaris and sit her out in the sun until she'd tan.

Fuck, I sound like an overprotective mother hen.

Rhys didn't care though. He hadn't seen his daughter in five years, hadn't seen her face for twenty, except for those split seconds when he had witnessed Dekara giving birth to Rhea and when Amarantha had him dragged out, hearing Dekara's screams of agony as Amarantha punished her for Rhys's sin.

Rhea was beautiful, too skinny for his liking, but he'd have to find a way to get food into her. Strengthen her up with training, get her out for walks in the Velaris sun.

"Father" sobbed Rhea and he hugged her tightly again, breathing in her scent. She was real, she was real, and he was holding her.

"Rhea" he murmured, trying to stop the tears but they kept on falling, the shoulder of her dress soaked in tears.

"Do we all get a turn with her?" asked a voice, Mor, he recognised it and he let out a sob and pulled away, kissing Rhea on the forehead, "you're real."

"I hope so" laughed Rhea, using her sleeve to wipe away her tears, her voice shaky. Rhys found he didn't want to let her go, but he pulled away and Mor enveloped Rhea in a hug, catching her by surprise. "Hello" said Rhea, hesitantly, looking at Rhys, eyes full of bewilderment and he laughed. "My cousin, Mor, "he explained, and Rhea nodded, hugging her back.

Rhys saw Eris standing in the corner, looking livid and he snarled. He had hidden his daughter from him on purpose. Had made him think Rhea wanted nothing to do with him.

That fucking bastard! He'd rip him apart!

Rhys was across the room in an instant, his hand around Eris's throat, driving him into the wall, roaring. "You hid her away from me!" he roared, shadows curling around him as he choked the High Lord of the Autumn Court. Flames burnt him, ravaged his arms and shoulders and then Eris twisted out of Rhys's grip and then the two High Lords were fighting, punches, kicks, and then Rhys caught hold of Eris and slammed him into the floor, claws out, ready to rip Eris's throat out.


Rhys turned to look at Rhea, who looked horrified, scared as she threw herself at Rhys, eyes wide. "He saved my life, I owe him, please don't kill him just yet."

Eris let out a noise of disbelief and Rhea shot him a look.

Rhys regained control, breathing heavily, wanting nothing more than to rip Eris's throat out. Mor would join in as well, as would Azriel and Cassian and Feyre and Amren...

"Eris, leave now" said Rhea, looking back at him and his amber eyes narrowed, and Rhys snarled. "Eris, please."

Eris got up and left, looking pissed.


"How did you know where to find me?" asked Rhea and Rhys focused his attention back on her. Her face was flushed, her eyes bright.

"Illyrians were talking" answered Azriel, and Rhea turned to look at him, then something like amazement crossed her face as she walked across the room to Azriel, who watched her, curious as she stopped merely centimetres away from him. Her hand reached up and stroked his face and Azriel's eyes widened.

"The shadows whispered to me about a male with the power of the shadows who would become my bane" murmured Rhea, and Azriel stared down at her, tilting his head a fraction.

"You're a shadow-singer" whispered Azriel, something entering his eyes, and everyone watched them, two shadow-singers facing each other. Shadows flickered around Azriel and Rhea closed her eyes, and suddenly shadows darted around her.

Rhea stepped away, her hand leaving Azriel's face. "You are not my bane" she announced and Amren stepped up to her, surveying Rhea. Rhys watched them warily, wondering how the two of them would fair.

"You are a curious creature" was the only thing Amren said, looking at Rhea with curiosity. Rhea tilted her head, looking up at Amren. "You have very strange eyes. They suit your personality."


Then Amren laughed.

"I like you" she said, and then Feyre stepped up, eyes taking in the small female. Rhys smiled at the sight. "You look like Rhys" she murmured, and Rhea huffed. "I get my gorgeous genes from him."

Cassian laughed, and Rhea eyed him. "So your Cassian. I've heard all about you."

Cassian stepped up, eyes dancing with mischief and Rhys wondered how Rhea would handle Cassian's personality. "Do I live up to your expectations?"

Rhea stepped up to him, the tiny female barely reaching Cassian's shoulders. "I thought you be taller. Your quite small."

Cassian looked down at Rhea. "Your one to talk about being small."

Rhea's eyes whirled violet and then returned to that ice blue. Rhys raised an eyebrow at that. Quite a trick. "Yeah but I can pull off being small."

Feyre looked at Rhys, eyes wide. "Can we keep her?"

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