Chapter Thirty-Six

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"I don't care for your tears, get up."

I looked up at Savitr, who was looming over me like some sort of vengeful god...which he was. I glared furiously at the Dark God.

"I know you're a Dark God and everything" I spat, "but leave me alone right now! I'm a sensitive female! This isn't the time to be telling me to find your goddamn sword! Everyone is working on it! Now leave me alone, or I swear, I don't care if you're some sort of important God! I will kick your ass to the Spring Court!"

Savitr was silent for a while, just staring down at me.

"You slept with that creature of nightmares."

That was what he wanted to talk about?!

"You have got to be kidding me" I hissed, standing up, not bothering to wipe my tears away. "You want to talk about me sleeping with Bryaxis?"

"Watch your tone."

Watch your tone? I'll give him 'watch your fucking tone'!

"I don't give too shits about my tone! Do you not see I am crying?"

Savitr looked at me, startled.

"Look I'm not here to start a conversation with an overly-sensitive female. I came here to tell you something, not because I care much, but because you're a shadow-singer, I'm willing to give you some slack when it comes to mass genocide. You're coming with me right now."

I blinked up at him. Was...was he serious?

"Are you joking?"

"No, I'm not. Do you see my face? Am I smiling? No, I'm not. Now, you're coming with me."

Savitr suddenly grabbed me and shadows swirled around us, and I lashed out, ice creeping up his hand, covering his arm. Savitr hisses but the shadows cleared, and his hand connected with my shoulder, pushing me backwards and I lost my balance and fell over the ledge.


I didn't fall very far.

I landed with a yelp on my ass.

I heard a clang of metal and looked up and realised I was in a prison.

I scrambled to my feet, terrified and saw Savitr standing on the other side of the cell, arms folded. "What are you doing?" I yelled, trying to turn into shadows but it was like there was a block in my mind.

"I don't need two shadow-singers against me. You have potential, unlike Azriel, who is a bastard-born. You are High Fae, and Illyrian. Your father has many powers, that he passed down to you."

I gripped the cell bars, trying to turn them into ice but nothing happened. I stared up at Savitr, breathing heavily. "What do you want from me?"

"When you accept me, as your master, you will be trained into all of your powers, and you will be made my personal shadow-singer, and you will lead the army against all Fae."

I didn't understand what he was saying. "But...aren't you all powerful?"

Savitr laughed, leaning in. "I am a Dark God, but I'm not powerful enough to wipe out two races. Everyone of you believe that I can, and that is my leverage. You will bow down to me. I will be here every day, and I will enter your mind and I will crush every single thought of doubt in your mind."

Savitr stepped back, a cruel smile on his face. "Enjoy sharing a cell with the male you hate the most."

Savitr disappeared into shadows and I whirled around and gasped.

Chained to the wall, was the High Lord of the Spring Court.


For this chapter I had some difficulty writing.

Maybe its writers block, but I had trouble in the first few minutes, which is why its so short. 

I'll try writing tomorrow, but I have some personal family problems right now so its probably the cause of my writers block *sighs*. I'll do my very best though.

Please have patience!

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