Chapter 12

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After a few more days of playing cat and mouse with Jay, he seemed to have faded away into the background. It was probably because of midterms, but I was more than happy about it anyway. I stopped panicking, and I could get to study and indulge in my boring life in peace.

It was currently noon on Saturday, and I was walking up the stairs to my room. Most of my siblings were studying at the dining table downstairs, but they'd soon started to ditch their books for their phones instead. I'd given up studying with them when Juana and Rosa started talking to each other.

A sigh left my lips when I got to the top and started making my way through the hallway to my room, but I paused when I heard a familiar sound. I walked back a bit until I was standing in front of Wyatt's door.

Is he crying again? I asked myself, pressing my ear against the wooden door to listen in, and sure enough, I could hear him sobbing. I had heard him cry in his room last night after dinner, but I hadn't wanted to be nosey, so I had just walked away awkwardly.

"Wyatt," I said, calling him, and immediately the sobbing stopped. It was then replaced with sniffling.

"Are you okay?" I asked, frowning a bit. Of course, he's not you idiot. Why else would he be crying? I scolded myself for the stupid question internally.

"I'm not," I heard Wyatt respond in a chocked voice from the other end, answering my stupid question anyway. I found myself moving my head so that my forehead was resting against the door instead of my ear. I sighed, staring down at his Attack on Titans welcome mat.

"Can I come in?" I asked after a while of not saying anything.

"Yeah..." I heard him trail from the other end before sniffling.

With that, I turned the handle of the door before pushing it open and walking into Wyatt's room. I closed the door behind me afterward, before turning to gaze into his room. It was as stuffed, organized, and color-coded as it always was. Wyatt was sitting at the foot of his bed with his head buried in hands he had folded on his raised knees. I stood by the door awkwardly for a bit before walking over to him and sitting down beside him. Then I rested my back against the bed's wooden frame. Wyatt didn't move. He seemed to be trying to stay as quiet as possible, but the occasional sniffle he made betrayed him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, breaking the silence. Wyatt didn't say anything in response, so we both just sat there until he let out a sigh that made me look over at him. He had raised his head from his folded arms. His face was red, and his eyes looked tired.

"He's already dating someone else," Wyatt said as he bit his bottom lip before letting out a pained laugh. "It hasn't even been a month and he's already dating some else-"

"Your ex?" I asked, trying to make sure I was on the same page as him. Wyatt turned to me with a small frown before he let out a laugh.

"Of course, I'm talking about my ex. Jesus Christ. If you're really this bad at reading context how on earth do you do so well in school??" Wyatt asked before chuckling. He shook his head before letting his eyes settle on his black painted toenails.

"I was asking for clarification," I muttered, rolling my eyes as a small smile made its way to my lips. Wyatt looked up at me before resting his head back in a way that it was on the bed's mattress.

"He's dating someone new?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation back on track.

"Yeah," Wyatt said before letting out a sigh. "I should congratulate him. I'm being so immature," he groaned before covering his face with his hands. I just stared at him, not sure of what to do. After a while, Wyatt took his hands away from his face before raising his head up.

"I'm happy that you're worried about me and all, but it's not that bad - I promise. I'm just being a sore loser. I'll watch anime and cry myself to sleep so don't worry about me," he said in a low chuckle, but I didn't laugh along with him, so he stopped soon after, making awkward silence fall over us.

"Where's your mum and my dad?" he asked, changing the topic of discussion.

"Your dad went out, and my mum's in their room," I answered, groaning a bit when I saw what time it was on the clock by Wyatt's study table.

Well, there goes my study time. I thought.

"Do you think they'll ever get married?" Wyatt asked, making me frown a bit before looking away from the wall clock so that I could look at him. I shrugged, adjusting my sitting position on the carpet so that my legs stopped hurting.

"No. Well, at least I don't think so. What? Is your dad planning to propose or something?"

My question made Wyatt snort before shaking his head. "Fuck no. He never does," he said, probably referencing the fact that his dad was never even married to his mum. I hummed, looking away from him. My mother was a hopeless romantic, but she was a bit traditional, so if Wyatt's dad didn't propose they'd be stuck dating forever since my mum was not going to do it.

"So, what about you? What have you been up to?" Wyatt asked, making me turn back to him. His eyes were gauging me as he rearranged his purple hair with his fingers. His eyes had lost their redness, and so had his face. "You're having midterms, right?"

"Yea," I muttered in response before wiggling my leg. "Everyone's studying. Heck, even Jay. He hadn't bothered me in a while," I said, making Wyatt laugh, showing off his slight overbite.

I looked away again when I started to feel my face warm up. That's weird. I thought to myself when I realized my chest was acting funny. Wyatt was still chuckling, and he didn't seem to notice the state I was in, and I was quite grateful for that.

"Juana told me that people look at me funny since I started dropping you guys off at school in the morning," Wyatt said, bring me out of my thoughts. I blinked, turning to his smiling face before I just shrugged. Wyatt had started dropping us off in the morning since the midterm period started. Sometimes, he even walked into the building with us.

"I wouldn't know, people always look at me funny already, so..." I trialed, making Wyatt chuckle.

"If I dyed my hair brown would it look better?" he asked out of the blue before looking me straight in the eyes.

I thought about it for a bit before shaking my head. "Nah," I said, smiling a bit. "I like it the way it is now." I've always seen Wyatt with one crazy color or the other, but I'd always thought shades of blues and purples suited him better.

"Hmm..." Wyatt hummed as he nodded his head. "I'll keep it," he said before looking up from the carpet to smile at me. I smiled back, and the odd feeling from before came back. I tried my best to ignore it, and I just talked to Wyatt for a bit more before I got up and left his room. When I got to my own room I buried my head in my book, desperately trying not to think too much about the odd feeling in my chest.

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