Chapter 15

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Things were uncomfortable.

It was lunchtime, and David was at least sitting with me and Tim at the table today, but neither of them said anything and just ate in silence. I watched them, turning my gaze away anytime I would catch Tim looking over at me. I was uncomfortable. The cafeteria was noisy as usual so at least the table wasn't uncomfortably silent.

I looked down at my food, poking it with the steel fork in my hand. Horrible spiceless food. I thought to myself before looking over at Jay's table. He wasn't there, and his goons looked rather lost without out.

"Antonio." I looked over at Tim when I heard him call my name. He was staring right at me with his big brown eyes and smiling. David who was sitting across from me at the table looked uncomfortable and was pretending to check his phone. I knew he was pretending because he was holding his phone upside down and the power button was facing the top.

"Can I talk to you after school?" Tim asked, and I sucked in my cheeks a bit as I thought about it.

"Sure, why not," I said, watching him smile before turning his attention back to the pasta on his plate.

Lunch ended about fifteen minutes later. I tried to walk with David, but he sort of vanished after we walked out of the cafeteria together. I rose a brow when I spotted him practically jogging through the crowd of students in the hallway. I didn't question it. I just headed for my locker and changed my books before leaving for my chemistry class.

David avoided sitting with me, so I sat with Alissa. She wasn't a bad partner at all, but God was her constant talking annoying. I survived the class and went through the rest of my school day before heading to change my books at my locker when the day was over.

"Hey, are you ready?" I frowned a bit, turning to find Tim standing right behind me. My features relaxed when I remembered that I had agreed to talk to him after school.

"Yeah," I said, and Tim smiled before motioning for me to follow him. I closed my locker and adjusted my backpack before trailing behind him until he led me out of the school building and towards the basketball court behind the main school block.

The weather was nice today. It was bright and sunny, but not sweaty bullets hot. I watched as Tim kicked a couple of rocks about before stopping on a spot and turning to stare at me.

"Like—" he sighed before chuckling. "I'm sorry, can I start over?" he asked, making me shrug. His smile widened a bit and he then turned his gaze to the dirt floor.

"I like you, like a lot," he said, looking up. "So, I wanted to get close to you and know you better. Won't you consider giving me a chance? We can go watch a movie together or something," he said, smiling at me. His face had gone beet red, and he looked nervous.

"I don't know..." I trailed, not feeling quite comfortable. I didn't want to get to know him or whatever. I didn't want to do that at all.

"Is this about Jay? Come one, he's a bully, what do you see in him—"

"It's Wyatt," I said, cutting Tim off. Tim frowned, staring at my face that was now warming up. "It's not about Jay, it's about Wyatt," I repeated mostly to hear myself say it again.

"Who is Wyatt?" he asked, looking confused. I rubbed the back of my neck, looking down at the floor. Wyatt with his messy dyed hair and bright eyes. Just thinking about him got me flustered.

Holy shit. I thought as my eyes widened in realization. I like Wyatt.

My mind was in a haze as I tried to come to terms with things. I looked up, realizing that Tim was still waiting for an answer. "The son of my mum's boyfriend," I finally responded, and watched as Tim's frown deepened before his features softened like he finally realized who I was talking about.

"Wait, that guy with the blue hair who drops you and your sister off at school in the morning sometimes?" Tim asked.

"Yeah," I answered, tucking my hands into the pocket of my blue school trousers. "Yeah, that's him."

"So," Tim started. "Does he know that you like him?"

"No," I said a little too fast before pausing to think about it. Wyatt wasn't stupid he would be able to pick up on something like that, even though I hadn't realized it until now. Maybe he knew and just didn't say anything about it. I let out a sigh, reaching my hand out to hold on to my forehead. "I really don't know, actually."

"Okay..." Tim trailed. There was silence between us after that. We didn't say anything to each other, we just stood silently in our spots. Tim looked up at me after a while. "You should probably go and wait for the bus. It'll be here in a bit."

I blinked, realizing that I had been lost in my thoughts. I looked over at Tim and he smiled at me as I thanked him before turning and walking away. When I got to the school gates Juana was there, and David was nowhere in sight. It didn't bother me as much as it did before since I was still freaking out by admitting to myself that I had a crush on Wyatt. I was too preoccupied to try and figure out where David was.

"Did something happen to you?" Juana asked me in Spanish, making me turn to her.

I shook my head before turning my gaze to the floor. The bus came to the gates a few minutes later, and I got in with my sister and the other kids. I had calmed down a bit, but I was still thinking about it and asking myself questions like: When did it happen? Does Wyatt know? Should I tell him or ignore it? What would our parents think?

When the bus stopped at our house, Juana and I got down before heading up to the front door. She knocked, and Pedro opened the door and let us in. I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard someone call out my name. I turned, only to find Wyatt waving at me from the dining table. My face warmed up and I didn't even think of returning his gesture before I made a run for the hallway that led to the stairs. I then ran up to my room, cursing out at how ridiculous my reaction had been.

Really none suspicious Antonio. A+ at being calm and collected. A voice in my head mocked me when I slammed my room door shut behind me. I dropped my bag on the floor before sliding down against the wall until my bum touched the ground and I was sitting down.

"You're an idiot!" I yelled at myself, covering my burning face as I tried to figure out how I would explain myself later.

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