Letter to readers

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The Internet.

March 25th, 2018.

Dear readers,


This book was a side project I was working very slowly on. I'm blown away by the support it has received. It was fun to write, I enjoyed the characters, and I loved playing the 'shipping game' with you all. :'-D

The idea for Decisions and Mayhem evolved as I wrote it, but the basis was throwing in all my fun tropes and working with them, and as someone who's an international university student it was nice to kind of tackle what it means to be 'the new kid' in a foreign environment. 

For all of you interested in a 'Jay redemption' story, His Fixation (the spin-off to this book) should be to your liking. 

It was a fun book to write on the side, and I'm a little sad I planned it out to be so short. I'm going to miss this characters. I enjoyed writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Forever grateful,


*If you enjoyed this book enough to check out some of my other stories, here are recommendations:

Nerd Alert! [Humor/27 Parts/Complete.]


Alexander isn't your typical nerd. He'll say what he wants, do what he wants, and verbally bash you while doing it. 

That's what Travis, a soccer player assigned to be tutored by Alexander, hates most about him. Confusing feelings, a drunken party, and a month of tutoring was all it took to get Travis to realize he was head over heels for the sharp-tongued Alex.

 Now, if only he knew where Alex's sarcasm switch was.

Metrosexual Much? [Teen Fiction/Ongoing.]


Beck has a problem - everyone thinks he's gay. Well, that's easy to understand considering he's a tad - okay, very flamboyant. He's also a bit over-dramatic, a sucker for chick flicks, and extremely fashion conscious. (What? It's not his fault. His mum's a fashion designer!)He's determined to break these labels and burn them in hell, but how on earth is he going to convince the world that he's straight when he's not even sure himself?

The Genius [Teen Fiction/27 Parts/Complete.]


Wyatt Wilson has always been at the top of his grade. He's winning every quiz, debate and academic Olympic under the sun. His teachers adore him, his mates envy him and everyone generally thinks his parents are genuinely proud of him. But that's not the Wilson household for you. Meet the Wilsons, a family of seemingly generational artists. Wyatt's parents aren't interested in grades and scholarships; they're interested in art contests, exhibitions and art style. 

Every Wilson can create art - except for Wyatt. As Wyatt struggles with being accepted at home, a new threat in form of a foreign exchange student threatens to take his place at the top of the class. Can Wyatt cope with losing the one thing that makes him relevant?

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