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"You're fucking kidding me." Mycah shouted.

"No way in hell. Sorry, not happening." Arden spat at the same time, arms crossed and voice raised.

"I am not sharing a room with him!" Mycah exclaimed angrily, thrusting out a pointed finger to the brown haired boy next to him.

Arden nodded hastily, struggling to keep his composure- unlike Mycah, who seemed to have no inhibitions whatsoever about letting his anger out.

"For once, I agree with Mycah. It's just not happening. There has to be another option." Arden said, his tone considerably calmer.

Their parents just watched on, their expressions a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

"You can't do this to us."

"Really, it's a terrible idea."

"One of us will end up dead, we all know it."

"Probably Mycah. He's weak as shit."

"Fuck off Arden."

"Wow, you have perhaps the most limited vocabulary of anyone I have ever met. Fucking tool."

"Mom please," Mycah pleaded, turning the puppy dog eyes on his mother, who raised an eyebrow in barely concealed amusement. "Please, you know it's for the greater good."

She had to understand where he was coming from. He couldn't share a room with Arden, and not just because they hated one another.

What about all of his.. problems? What if Arden noticed the pill bottles. Or worse even, what if he had an episode and Arden witnessed it? Hell, the holiday was three months long. It was bound to happen.

"The greater good?" Jillian asked, and beside her Mycah's dad tried to hide a snort of laughter.

"Mom, you know we'll just end up fighting and ruining your holiday." Mycah pleaded, turning to Arden's parents too in the hopes of getting some outside sympathy.

"He has a point." Arden said, desperation seeping into his tone. "Mom, dad? There has to be another option. I can't share with Mycah. No offense and all, but he's insufferable."

"Can't argue with you there." Mycah's dad said with a laugh, earning him a light dig in the ribs from his wife.

"You're not exactly tolerable yourself Arden." Mycah spat towards the other boy, a scowl filling his features.

"Shut up Mycah. Really, just shut up. You're giving me a headache."

"Arden, really that's enough. From both of you." Arden's mom Stacy said, cutting across their bickering before it escalated. God knows it wouldn't be the first time she would have to break up one of their physical fights.

"We got a good deal on the three bedroom, so I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Besides, we think it'll be good for you." Mycah's mother Jillian spoke, and Stacy nodded along in agreement.

Both Mycah and Arden's fathers had both skulked off when the argument started heating up, mumbling some excuse about setting up the barbecue.

"Can't Arden just take the couch?" Mycah protested, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Me? Why don't you take the couch Mycah?" Arden shot back incredulously. He swore Mycah got more annoying with every word that left his mouth.

"No one is sleeping on any couch." Stacy interjected firmly, throwing her eyes up to heaven.

"I'd rather sleep outside." Mycah sulked, crossing his arms and turning his mouth downwards.

"Don't be so melodramatic Mycah." Jillian said.

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