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Mycah tapped his fingers against his leg, moving them to the beat of the music. His eyes scanned the beach, the emanating glow from the bonfire casting light on the young people dancing against each other.

He took a swig of his beer. He wouldn't be getting drunk, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy a drink or two. Contrary to his party-animal-fuckboy-jock image, Mycah wasn't a heavy drinker at all in comparison to other boy's his age. Mainly because of his bipolar disorder; a hangover combined with depressive tendencies was never a good combination, as he had learned in his youth.

He hummed lightly to the tune that blared over the speakers. He turned his head slightly to the left and found his eyes lingering slightly on a trio who looked about his age.

The girl and two boys looked vaguely familiar, and after a moment of staring it clicked with Mycah- they were the teenagers he had seen on the same beach last week, of whom he had made a mental note to introduce himself to.

Until, of course, he was attacked by Arden and his stupid bucket of cold sea water. Mycah frowned thinking about it. Prick.

They looked different in the dark light of the evening, but he was sure they were the same. There was no mistaking that girl- she was extremely hot.

Mycah didn't realize he was staring until the girl looked up, making eye contact with him. She smiled cheerily at him, and he returned it with one of his own. She raised her eyebrows, her expression telling him to come over.

Hell, he didn't need to be told twice.

He stood up, brushing off sand from his naked torso and swimming shorts. He strolled over to where she was standing, the two boys at her side looking up at him curiously as he made his way over.

"Hey." Mycah said upon reaching the trio.

"Hi." The girl replied, her smile bright as she looked up at him. "And who may you be?"

"Mycah." He replied. "What about you?" He asked, addressing the group.

"I'm Katie." The girl answered.

"Felix. And that's Connor." The boy next to Katie said, gesturing to the other boy.

Connor smiled and said a soft hello.

"You guys don't mind if I join you?" Mycah asked, not wanting to impose.

"Not at all bro." Felix answered, holding up his hands to show it was cool.

Katie and Felix were both Asian American, with tan skin, dark black hair and slightly slanted eyes. Connor, on the other hand, was fair skinned with just a light sun tan. He was cute, slim and lithe with some very lightly defined muscle on his chest and stomach.

Katie wore a navy bikini top and shorts, while both Felix and Connor clad in swimming trunks. Not that Mycah expected anything different, it was a beach party after all.

"Are you two siblings?" He asked, looking between Katie and Felix interestedly. They were too similar looking not to be. They shared matching smiles and small noses as well as other similar features. Not to mention, they were both hot. Like, really hot.

"Twins. Unfortunately." Katie joked, earning her a light shove from her brother.

"Cool." Mycah chuckled.

"Not as cool as one would think." Felix replied.

"I'll take your word for it." Mycah replied.

"Where are you from?" Katie asked, rejoining the conversation.

"Virginia." Mycah answered.

"So what brings you to these parts?" Felix asked, nudging Mycah's shoulder lightly with his own.

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