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Things had began to change with Arden and Mycah.

Their usual consistent bickering had continued, but now on many occasion had morphed into something more sexual and flirtatious. They were ignoring any chance that whatever was between them was something deeper, instead brushing it aside and using it as a mechanism to annoy one another.

That didn't mean Mycah had completely let go of the small part of him that was genuinely curious in regards to his newfound feelings towards his nemesis. He just chose to ignore that they could actually mean something other then an opportunity to piss of Arden.

And hey, he didn't completely hate the fact that Arden was being a lot more forthcoming and flirtatious with him, even though he fully understood that;

a) Arden was straight

b) While his own teasing extended slightly past the boundaries of pretending, the same could not be said for Arden who was solely focused on annoying him and nothing else and

c) Nothing could, or would ever happen between them.

And to be honest, Mycah was pretty sure that he didn't want something to happen between them. In fact, the thought freaked him out a bit. While he didn't bother denying that he definitely felt physical attraction for Arden, that was where the attraction ended. His disdain for Arden's personality was as strong as ever, and Arden being hot did nothing to change that.

Arden was the sort of guy Mycah would normally come to for a one night stand, but definitely not for a relationship. And given their circumstances, a one night stand would be both entirely impossible and extremely awkward. The thought alone made Mycah simultaneously laugh and cringe.

Mycah supposed that he should be more annoyed. After all, Arden was just using Mycah's sexuality against him. Granted, the other boy didn't realize Mycah's attraction extended as far as him, but still. But he didn't really care that much. It wasn't like he never went to extreme lengths to piss off Arden. And had the roles been reversed and had Arden been the bisexual one, Mycah didn't doubt he would use that as ammunition against him.

He took a sip from the red solo cup, not even flinching as the liquid burned his throat. The girl he had just been making out with had to go, and Mycah made his way through the party to where his friends sat on the couches that only a week or two ago began this sexual game  between himself and Arden.

Katie and Felix were hosting a party, while their parents had made themselves scarce for the night. Speaking of which, Felix was nowhere to be seen. Katie and Leona sat side by side with Arden, laughing at something on Leona's phone.

"Mycah! There you are!" Katie exclaimed pushing over and making room for him. Right next to Arden. How great.

"Here I am." Mycah chuckled in reply, reluctantly making his way into the free space between her and Arden.

He turned his full body to face Kate, not in the mood to deal with Arden right now. Not that the other boy even noticed. He was far too engrossed in his conversation with Leona, and Mycah briefly jealously wondered if there was something going on between the two of them, before realizing he didn't actually care.

"Just in time too," Katie replied. "We're about to play Never Have I Ever." She smirked, and Mycah felt a grin make it's way onto his own face.

"You don't say." He replied suggestively, sinking back into the couch.

There had been some light  but consistent flirting between himself and Katie for a while now, and on more then one occasion Mycah wondered if they were ever going to hookup. To be honest, he sometimes felt that though she reciprocated the flirting, she didn't actually want to hookup. Then again, he couldn't be certain. Girls were so confusing.

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