So, Let Me Explain - an Intro

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For my past readers, or my current followers, you may be slightly confused by this. Well, have no fear, I am here to explain!

A few years ago, I had written a Tenth Companion Trilogy, and completed all three books. Looking at them recently, I realized I could condense them into one book. Hence why we are at this point.

If you are familiar with my trilogy, you will remember Marlena Rowen-Baggins, and her trilogy books: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?, Rise, and The Fate of Us All. 

This book is officially titled Rise, as it is a good title that overall fits all of the journey Marlena will be going through.

Now, if you have read the trilogy, most things will remain the same. I can tell you that the word count has dropped, because some things I wrote in Marlena's first version weren't really needed.

However, there will be one slight difference between Rise and the trilogy. My past readers will pick up on it about a third of the way into the story. It's really not much of a change; it's more of a shift of a plot point further down the book.

Don't worry, newbies, if you can't figure it out, I'm sure I'll explain myself when that time comes.

For my new readers, welcome. :) Instead of going through three books for Marlena's story, you will be going through just one!

Disclaimer: Marlena's journey, her character, and most of her dialogue (as she may steal some character's lines) belong to her. The rest of the characters, locations, dialogue, plot, etc. belong to their rightful owners.

The above being said, this book follows the Lord of the Rings movies, not the books. I apologize if you were looking for a fanfic that followed the books. 

This book will be divided into three parts, one part per movie. Now, Marlena will not be part of everyone's story--she is one Hobbit and not a cloner. Be mindful of this: not everything from the movies will be written out in this story.

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