4 - Nowhere Is Safe

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I nearly fainted from my frantic heart. How could he have the nerve to barge into Bag End and leave the place so eerie? Did he think it wouldn't freak Frodo and me out in the slightest?

The intruder hadn't been anyone to be afraid of, it was only Gandalf. However, this wasn't some friendly visit he was on; the look in his eyes said that much.

"Is it secret?" he demanded in a harsh whisper. "Is it safe?"

Frodo and I knew what Gandalf was talking about: the ring.

Frodo nodded, bounding off to a chest, digging. In the meantime, I lit up Bag End; I hated having the place so spooky. I got a fire going even though I didn't know why I did at such a late hour.

When I came back, Frodo had tossed out junk from a chest, retrieving the envelope. Gandalf grabbed it, darting for my freshly made fire. Frodo and I tailed the old Wizard, reaching him just as he bent down and tossed the envelope—and the ring—into the fire. Frodo looked to Gandalf, panicked. I just stared into the fire, agape.

"What are you doing?" Frodo called.

"Look," I whispered, getting his attention.

The envelope burned, shriveling into a black ball of ash. As it burned away into nothing, the ring remained.

Gandalf grabbed a long pair of tongs, reaching through the flames to retrieve the ring. Just what was the old Wizard up to?

My eyes were stuck on the ring held by the tongs.

"Hold out your hand, Frodo," Gandalf said calmly. "It's quite cool."

Frodo obeyed, letting the ring drop into his hand.

"What is the point of this?" I asked Gandalf.

"You'll see, but it'll depend on if I'm right. Frodo, what can you see?" Gandalf rose but looked uncomfortable standing. "Can you see anything?"

I shot an odd look at the Wizard.

I peered over Frodo's shoulder, wondering if I could see something he couldn't. Frodo turned the ring, checking every aspect of it. I huffed. There was nothing but the gold of the ring.

Gandalf had officially gone insane.

"Nothing," Frodo said after a while. "There's nothing." My eyes flickered to Gandalf, who ambled a few paces away. "Wait." My eyes snapped back to Frodo. I looked down at the ring and blinked rapidly, stunned.

Small markings began to form all around the ring, glowing. Frodo turned it. The markings were bright, like the fire. I couldn't understand any of it.

"There are markings," Frodo reported. "It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it."

"Gandalf, what's the meaning of all this?" I demanded, my voice a little hysterical.

"I'll explain, Marlena. Please, calm down," Gandalf said quietly. "There are few who can read the language. The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here."

"Mordor!" Frodo and I gasped, glancing at Gandalf. I vaguely remembered hearing about that land. It was an evil place. There was also something about an evil ruler that lived there as well, but my mind was fuzzy on the specifics.

I stared at the ring, at the markings. A language from Mordor? No wonder Gandalf wouldn't utter it; the language was created in a place of evil. Even I wouldn't say the words if I knew what they were.

"In the common tongue," Gandalf started, "it says: 'One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.'"

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