37 - Underestimated

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I woke up with the sun, which was not a pleasant experience. I sat up in the cot, rubbing my droopy eyes. What could I possibly do today? I couldn't practice sparring with my sword, not unless I wanted my stitches to pop open.

I huffed heavily, already feeling useless. Would it be best if I just stayed confined to this room and slept all day, without any interruptions? It sounded like a high possibility. I didn't feel up to venturing in Helm's Deep even though I did want to see Freda and Éothain since they reunited with their mother.

"Good, you're up," Éowyn's lofty voice rang in the room. My gaze snapped to her as she brought in a bundle. Did I miss breakfast? I really need to stop doing that. "I was beginning to think you would sleep all day."

"If only I could," I joked half-heartedly. "What's in that?" I motioned at the bundle in her hands.

"Some leftover food from breakfast."

"Of course." I scowled.

"What's wrong?"

"I seem to sleep through breakfast. It's been happening a lot lately."

Éowyn crossed the space between us to hand me the bundle. I accepted it, unraveled it, and ate. I made sure that I didn't spill any crumbs on the white nightgown I received last night after my bath.

Éowyn took a seat beside me on my cot. An awkward silence passed between us as I munched.

"It must be difficult for you," she said at last, breaking the silence.

I swallowed my food and stared at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"You're a long way from home." She glared down at her clasped hands. "It must be hard for you, to be away from the very place you've grown up in."

"It is."

"Are you ever homesick?"

"Lately, with everything that has gone on, I don't think about home as often. I'm too focused on what's going on around me." I sat the unraveled, empty bundle on the unoccupied side of me. "Do you feel homesick?"

"Not really, only because I know my home isn't so far away." Yet another silence fell between us. "You're brave, you know."

"You believe that?" I asked her curiously.

"Of course I do." She threw me a small smile. "You went with the men when the Wargs attacked."

"My lady, the only reason that happened was because the horse galloped under me, and I didn't want to throw myself off to risk injury."

"Still, I think you would have gone with them."

"I would have," I agreed. "I don't think anyone noticed me, though, when meeting the enemy. I think they were caught up in the madness."

"It could also be because you are so small." Éowyn laughed.

"Men don't approve of women fighting alongside them." I sighed.

"Well, clearly few do," she pointed out.

I knew who she was talking about. "That's only because I've been with them through situations that forced me to step up and fight," I said. "Outside of them, others deeply dislike it. I think that if women who have the drive to fight want to do so, then men should let them. I know that it's frowned upon to let women go into battle, but times are changing. The world is at war now, and maybe some women feel this is the right time to prove themselves."

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