2 - The Party

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"Gandalf!" I squeaked, tempted to run to the old Wizard and hug him. I decided it was better to not, considering my clothes were still damp.

I had known Gandalf ever since Bilbo had taken me in. I remembered the first time I met him: I had been very curious but way too shy to muster the courage to get near him. For an old man, he had come off as intimidating. After the first time I actually talked to Gandalf, I decided he was okay.

Besides, if Bilbo had the Wizard in his good books, I guess he could be in mine too.

Gandalf seemed to have a secret when it came to battling the aging process, because there were no significant changes that I could see. His blue eyes had the same kindness as before. His gray hair and facial hair were getting a little too long. I didn't see his hat anywhere, nor did I see his staff he normally carried. At least he wasn't hunched over or hitting his head on the ceiling like he often did when coming to Bag End.

"Marlena," he said in his gravelly voice. "My, you haven't aged a day."

"What are you doing back?" I sputtered.

"You know I wouldn't miss Bilbo's party." He chuckled.

"I should've known it was you when I saw the fireworks in the cart." I felt foolish for not thinking of it before. "It feels like it's been forever since you were last in the Shire."

Gandalf's gray brows scrunched over his eyes. "What happened to you? You look like you just came in through a storm."

"Oh, I had a little accident." I twisted my wet clothes nervously. "I fell into the river."

"Marlena, there you are!" Bilbo piped, squeezing himself past Gandalf. For a Hobbit his age, Bilbo could still move around really well. He was still sharp, too. "Goodness, you're all wet!"

"I was going to get changed."

"Well, go on. Don't stand there and get sick. Go!"

"I hope to see you later at the party, Gandalf," I called as I dashed passed the various rooms into my room.

I dug through my closet hastily. The longer I had these wet clothes on, the more anxious I felt the need to get cleaned off. It would seem silly to take another bath, considering I had gotten one in the river thanks to Merry and Pippin. But I knew it was smarter to feel cleaner.

I hustled into the bathroom, locking the door. I slipped into the bathtub, sitting up. As silly as it sounded, I was afraid of drowning in the bathtub.

I mindlessly let my skin wrinkle like a prune. After what seemed to be a few long hours, I got out, rubbed myself dry, and dressed. My dress was a cute little dark red number, hovering a few inches above my feet.

I stayed in the bathroom longer; mainly making sure my hair looked perfect. My hair naturally puffed out but then calmed down, forming waves along my back. I looked myself over from head to toe, giving myself a quick twirl. The dress felt comfortable enough to dance in.

I hadn't realized I had taken so long, because when I took a side glance outside a window, it was already dark. No doubt the party had started without me.

To add a little extra flare, I snatched a red ribbon at the last second, tying it into my hair. I patted it a few times to make sure it was snug. With a bob of my head in satisfaction, I slipped out the door to come across Gandalf's and Bilbo's backs. Judging by the puffs of smoke billowing in front of them, they were using their pipes. I snorted. It seemed almost everybody here smoked in the Shire. I was one of the very few who didn't.

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