Chapter 13- Everly-sit

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From the rain comes a river
Running wild that will create
An empire for you...
An empire for two


She doesn't remember it all. Well, at least not the part about her family being shifters and the rest of us being pack. She does, however, remember moments of growing up here at White River. She remembers exploring the land and playing with her brother and cousins.

And me.

She remembers me, or at least five-year-old me.

As she settles in and reconnects with the land and the pack, I can see her demeanor change. She is more expressive and less timid around us guys. She enjoys time with my mom while she learns about how her mother was as a girl and young woman.

Every day, Everly peers into the window of our past and discovers a new truth.

But not the whole truth.

I sense her wolf coming closer to the surface, but she hasn't shifted and no one knows how to approach the subject. Which is precisely why I am sitting around our outdoor fire pit with Danny, Mason, Charlie, and my dad.

"We need to tell her," Danny implores.

My dad holds up a palm, "Danny, we've discussed this. She's not ready. Everly is just getting comfortable around all of us. Telling her now may do more harm than good. Are you willing to risk it?"

Sighing in defeat, Danny looks down towards his tattooed hands, "No, sir."

"I wanted to let you boys know that Charlie and I spoke to Logan of the Ozark Mountain Crew. He's heard rumblings of wolves coming into our area." Dad waits until our growls settle before he continues, "His guys haven't caught a scent of anything in the woods around our property line. Just rumors around town. Apparently, someone from the Devil's Claws let it slip that a rogue wolf is asking questions about our pack, 'picking up a stray'. It goes without saying that Everly is to not leave this lodge without at least two of you with her. Be alert at all times. Mason has security up around the lodge and land, but we still need to be vigilant."

The Ozark Mountain Crew is a group of bear shifters that patrol the mountains. To humans, the OMC appear to be average wildlife officers. They live in a set-up, much like ours, and protect our area from rogue shifters and animal poachers. White River Pack land spreads out across three-thousand acres and connects to the property of the Ozark Mountain Crew, both shifter territories are surrounded by the Ozark National Forest. Years ago, the grounds were banded together by trails and dirt roads. The alphas of each group have maintained an alliance rooted in respect and friendship. Logan Matthews is the crew's current alpha, he and my dad have been friends since they were kids. He and dad are focused on protecting the land and the natural springs of Eureka.

The Devil's Claws is cougar shifter group who manage a bar in town and run a biker gang in and around Eureka Springs. Always involved in shady business and illegal commerce, the DC has been a thorn in the side of our pack since the beginning.

Mom steps out on the porch and we all look at her expecting Everly to be close behind.

"What?" my mom asks with an amused expression on her face. Looking down at her clothes. "Did I spill something on my shirt again?"

"Where's Evie?" Danny asks.

"Where she has spent most of her time this week." Mom smiles. "That girl has a love for water."

Danny and I rise in panic.

"Relax," dad says. "Micah and Trent are with her. I told them to stay out of sight. I don't want her to think she's being watched or baby-sat. But Trent has to work today, so one of you will need to relieve him."

Danny looks over at me. "Crap, I gotta go to the shop today. I took the week off to be here, but I have appointments backed up. Who can Everly-sit today?" Danny asks.

Scoffing, my mom says, "Don't let her hear you say that. She's not a child."

Danny chuckles as my mom pushes his shoulder.

"We have the day off," Mason volunteers.

"Yeah," I quickly agree. "We can take her to town. Let her explore Eureka Springs and buy anything she needs. Then, we can all meet up at Charlie's Diner for lunch."

"Sounds like a solid plan," my dad agrees. "Use the Pack card and get her some more clothes. It's gonna get colder. Make sure she's set. Oh, and get her a phone."

As everyone disbands, I make my way to my mate.

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