Chapter 26- Secrets Untold

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            As we draw our song to a close, I glance out to the audience to find Everly. It's almost time to call her to the stage for our duet. As she approached the stage earlier, I couldn't help but puff my chest out in pride. The girl is gorgeous.

            My eyes trail the area she was just standing, but I can't see Everly. I notice Caylin looking around, as if she is trying to locate my mate as well. Suddenly, I see my dad and mom standing with the girls. Dad meets my stare and wordlessly communicates:

We have a problem.

Mason steps towards the microphone. Not waiting, I put my guitar down and jump from the stage. My blood is pulsing loudly in my ears, I vaguely hear Mason announce, "Thank you, Eureka Springs! We're the White River Pickers. Goodnight!"

Within seconds, I feel the presence of my packmates at my back as we approach my dad. "Where is she?" I gruffly ask.

"Not sure. I sensed another wolf in the crowd but by the time I reached the girls, Evie was gone. Trent, track her." Dad orders. Trent bolts into action. Being our best tracker with more experience, he is able to remain in human form as he picks up Everly's scent. Micah follows him as he walks away from the group. Caylin steps around mom, who has been trying to distract the girls.

"What the hell is going on?" she demands.

"That's what we are trying to figure out." Dad placates.

"Does this have anything to do with what happened in Kentucky?" Thea asks.

Danny walks up to the pixie-like girl, "She told you about Kentucky?"

"Not really. But without using so many words, she painted a grim picture. I apologize for not watching her closer," Thea's bottom lip begins to quiver and Bel steps forward and grips her hand.

"I think she saw someone that scared her," Bel suggests.

"What makes you say that?" Mason asks.

"I felt her pause during the music. One second she was lost in the sound, the next, she was ramrod straight. Her eyes focused over there," she motions across the crowd. "By the time I looked towards what captured her attention then back towards her, she was gone."

"Did you see who it was?" Danny asks.

"Sorry, no. I didn't." Bel murmurs.

Trent picked up something. Let's go.

Mom walks over and motions for the girls, "Let's go to Healing Grounds. If Everly got lost in the crowd, that's a place she might go to wait for y'all. The guys can keep looking. I'll message Jack if we find her. He'll do the same." The girls appear unwilling to leave. "Come on girls, I could use a hot cup of coffee."

As the ladies reluctantly walk away, we follow dad as he leads us to where Trent has caught a trail to Everly.

"Where is he?" Danny demands.

"He traced her scent to Armstrong Street," dad explains. "Oh, shit!" Dad says as he picks up his pace.

"What?" I growl.

"She's in The Cathouse Lounge." He explains.

"Sonofabitch!" Danny explodes as we begin to run.

Maneuvering through the crowded streets we head towards the bar where the notorious cougar shifters and biker gang, Devil's Claws, hangout.

The night just got a whole lot more interesting.

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