The Nudge Felt Around The World

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Hetalia characters.

Countries' Names:

America: Alfred

Canada: Matthew

England: (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia: (not canon) James

Germany: (not canon) Aldwin

Japan: (not canon) Darwin

Italy: (not canon) Edmundo

Romano: (not canon) Jason

Spain: (not canon) Arturo

France: (not canon) Peter


Third Person PoV

Aldwin wondered if it had been smart to let Alfred drive them to Matthew's house. He wanted Alfred to, at the least, have an idea of who they were. As Alfred drove through the snow covered roads with all the confidence of someone who regularly passed these streets, he talked animatedly, his blue eyes never leaving the road. Jordan flipped from station to station tiredly and then, when he couldn't find a station that wasn't either on comercial break or playing a song he didn't like, he resorted to looking through Alfred's CD collection, yawning as he went. He eventually settled on an AC/DC CD; the only problem was that they were nearing Matthew's house.

"Right, just turn here," Edmundo said, already without his seatbelt. "Third house on the left."

If Alfred knew who's house it was he didn't give it away, all he did was nod and turn, slowing down.

"All right, everyone--euh-- Edmundo and Aldwin, we're here!" Alfred honked his horn once, twice, before Jordan smacked his hand.

"Dude, you don't need to wake up the neighbours."

Alfred just laughed. Aldwin sighed silently to himself, grabbing the door handle and opening the car door. Getting out, he shouldered his bag and nodded at Jordan. He turned to Alfred. "Thank you, Alfred, this was. . . Nice."

Alfred smiled widely, showcasing his party host megawatt smile. "No problem, dude! I had fun, we should do this again sometime. After all, we still have at least one last semester."

Edmundo was already running up the stairs that led to the patio that led to the door of Matthew's house. Reaching the door, he turned around and waved at Aldwin to hurry up.

"C'mon, Aldwin!" Edmundo cried, waving with his right hand and jiggling the door handle with his left. "It's really cold out here, y'know!"

Aldwin nodded and turned back to face Alfred. "We should do this study group again. Maybe you can help some of the others, I know they could use the help."

Alfred laughed and nodded. "Oh, what the heck, why not? I've got nothing better to do. You guys should come by sometime---All of you. Y'know what? Here," he patted his pockets the best he could while sitting before finally pulling out his phone. "Gimme your number, I'll text you and you can save my number to your phone. That way you can tell me when we can schedule that study group."

Aldwin froze for all of two seconds before patting his own pockets before pulling out his own phone. He checked his phone screen, pressing the on button. He shook his head. "Dead," he said plainly.

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