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Disclaimer: If I owned Hetalia, I wouldn't need to put this here. U.U'


Countries' names:

America: Alfred

Canada: Matthew

England: (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia: (not canon) James

Germany: (not canon) Aldwin

Japan: (not canon) Darwin

Italy: (not canon) Edmundo

Romano: (not canon) Jason

Spain: (not canon) Arturo

France: (not canon) Peter


Jordan didn't know when it happened, but slowly the new students disappeared. One by one, they stopped showing up, until no one was left. When Jordan asked teachers and students alike, no one even remembered who the new students had been. Jordan suspected England's magical intervention, but he didn't really understand why he remembered everything. It wasn't like he was very special.

He figured it had something to do with Al, but he didn't bother asking.

"Hey, Jordan?"

Jordan was ripped from his thoughts as someone talked to him. He looked up from his tablet and almost had a heart attack. Jonathan was standing right in front of him.

"Hey, Jon," he said slowly, perplexed. This was Jonathan's open period, why was he sitting next to him before Jordan's next class started? "What are you doing here?"

Okay, maybe Jordan sounded a little stiff, but who could blame him? He had literally moved out because his roommate was having sex too loudly and didn't let him sleep, he felt he had every right to be a little awkward around his ex-roommate right about now.

Jonathan coughed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Can we talk later?" He asked, looking uncomfortable as he looked around. "Like, at nine? It's the only time we're both free. You start work at nine thirty, right?"

Jordan blinked. "Wha-Well, yeah. . . Sure, I'll meet you at the statue in front of the campus at nine tonight."

Jonathan nodded and walked off, but not before staring at a point in space behind Jordan.

Jordan spent his class time taking notes and working on an assignment he had due in a few days. It was odd, and Jordan felt confused, but he was pleased to see that Jonathan had remembered his work schedule. He thought back to all the times Jonathan had come by his work to drop off a cup of coffee or some fast food to get him through the shift. Come to think of it, he probably shouldn't have been so surprised by the fact that Jonathan knew his work schedule so well. After all, he had harped about it so much whenever he complained about Jonathan's activities after nine P.M.

Jordan shook his head and tried to stay focused, his last exams hadn't been up to par with his standard of success. He clicked his mechanical pencil and tried to think, but his classes weren't sticking in his brain. He felt like there was an intense pressure just-weighing- down on him, as if he were trying to carry someone on his shoulders. He wrote what little he understood before giving up and resorting to an old trick-taking a picture of the board and calling it a day.

World, Meet North AmericaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ