Chapter 18: Feelings

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"Mind telling us why are you this late?" Why do I feel this is not the first time I have been asked the same thing? Suga and I stared at each other as if we could somehow communicate with our minds and eyes, and come up with a story that is credible enough, and the farthest from reality.

"I was in the park!" I said, too suddenly, too loud. I am not good at lying. Yes, you are, you are hiding from them you are not even a human! I sushed my brain before any unwanted thoughts crippled into my mind.

"Yes, and I went there too to breathe some fresh air." While we were coming up with the most unbelievable story, we caught all of BTS' attention, who were doing their things in the living room.

And again, a certain someone was trying to burn holes in my head.

"And?..." I knew Mr. Lee wasn't really convinced enough, so I came up with what at the moment I thought was the most, more creative lie humankind has ever told.

"We were trying to find a way back home and realized none of us knew how to drive... SO we went to get driving lessons!" I didn't realize a big, foolish smile found its way to my face, but I am sure I am smiling like an idiot, an idiot that just told the least convincing lie ever. I didn't have to stare at Suga to know he was mentally face slapping.

"Okay..." Mr. Lee said and made us sit to have dinner all together. The mood lightened up a bit, Jungkook noticed how shaken both Suga and I were, and managed to crack some jokes at the table here and there, and I thanked him with my eyes. Everyone was having a good time, except Tae Hyung.

He just stared at me the entire dinner, a scowl on his face, one that made me feel cold to the bones.


Dinner ended, everyone went upstairs, and I went to get a glass of water, as always. Of course, I had already felt him there, I just felt like he had something to tell me, so I pretended not to realize he was staring at me opening the fridge. And just as I was going to take the cold bottle of water from the refrigerator, the door closed.

"Are we going to make this a routine, or what?" I said slightly annoyed. Being kidnapped, driving for the first time, and almost run over dozens of people, does leave you exhausted.

"Why did you disappear like that? I was looking for you the entire evening!" He said, but more than angry, he was, worried?

"I needed some air, I thought you knew that..." I said, not meeting his eyes. To be honest, I was slightly cornered by his tall frame hovering on top of mine, my hot back against the cold door of the fridge, and the thin layer of clothing separating our bodies.

I need to get out of here, and fast.

"I didn't, and I forbid you to do that again." He said, his dark voice filling my ears. "Okay, I won't do it again." I probably will do it again, but I need to say I won't so that he can let me go.

"Well, it is late at night, everyone is upstairs, sleeping... do you know what that means?" He said, and I have never felt such a strong urge to run, well not since I escaped at least.

"Ehm, are we going to bake some pancakes?" I said with a scared small smile playing on my lips.

"No, we are going to do something more fun." He wiggled his eyebrows, took my hand, and with a scary grin on his face, we were out of the house.


"Keep running!" I was slowing down not because I was tired, because I really, really wanted to sleep. "I am running!" I got ahead of him in an instant. I have to admit, the cold, crisp air of the night embracing my body feels really refreshing, and I realized that this is what I was missing.

A late run in the night.

"-I told you, then I sneezed all over Jungkook, and he spat at me back!'" He laughed out loud, and I laughed with him, impossible not to laugh at the image of Jungkook taking vengeance on the monster running beside me. "You really did that?" I asked, half believing him, half not. "Yes, I did. The fans love it." I had to stop at that. He kept running, but noticing I stopped, he then did so too.

"Do girls this days really like gross boys?" I asked him, with my eyes wide, as we walked side by side in the empty street. "You have no idea, they love me- wait, gross? Who said I am gross?"

"I did. And I don't believe your fans like that." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, you don't know me well enough to notice my natural charm" I laughed, actually laughed.

"Natural charm? What, the metal hair and multiple earings are not enough?" I said, not joking. "You wouldn't understand." He said, with his eyes following a path of starts I can't follow. I turned to look at the clear night sky as well, noticing the different shades of lights in the endless dark sky.

"Then, show me." I said, teasing him, trying to turn the tables. He kept silent, kept walking with a faint smile on his lips, I was hypnotized by his perfect profile. The way his nose followed the perfect curves, the way his straight lashes moved up and down at the rhythm of his blinking,

I was, for a moment, swallowed by the perfectness of his face, of his body, and felt what he meant by natural charm.

But suddenly, his arm pulled my waist closer, his free hand took a strong grip on my long brown hair, and in a moment, our breathes mixed into one. His face was so close to mine, I notice a small mole on his nose, I noticed the way his skin shines with the moonlight, and the way his eyes shine when he looks at me.

"This, being unpredictable, makes them crazy too."

I don't remember how I got home, but at the next day, we were woken up by a shocked shout. I put on what was closest to me, which thankfully was my black uniform, and rushed downstairs. When I got down, all BTS, with their variety of pijamas, where standing there too, and in front of them, Manager Sejin, holding a clenched newspaper on his fists.

"I need someone to explain me this..." He said, and suddenly the shock from last night's events came flooding down from my head to my toes.


Hey guys!

Omg! That V scene on the night :o did you guys liked it?

What do you think Manager Sejin is showing them? Is this Ae Ri's fault, again?

I want to thank @kpopnkdramaislife for the wonderful idea she gave me, and for always voting and commenting. I am not kidding when I say it means a lot to me <3

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Please don't forget to vote <3 it really helps me...

Something Serious.

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