Chapter 17: His past

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"What do you mean you don't know how to drive?! They are f*cking shooting at us right now!" Suga yelled at me.

"Well don't you know how to drive?!" I yelled back.

"No!" He said, realizing I am in the same position to be mad at him as he is at me.

The gunshots were landing on the back of the car, and from the mirror on top of my head, I saw the tall gangster on a black car similar to the one we are in.

"Just, Go!" And so I did.

I turned on the engine, and the car roared back. I pushed the pedal I think means to advance, and thankfully the car followed my wishes.

We are back at the narrow alley, I made swift turns left, then right, then two left. And the other car following close behind. However, the gunshots stopped.

For now.

"Watch out!" I almost ran over an old lady, who was calmly crossing the street. I could hear her say various strong words in return.

"How are we going to lose them?" I asked, hoping Suga would tell me the directions I need to follow to get us back home.

"I think I know how to get home from here, but we can't have them follow us to the house. We need to lose them" He said, and I almost turned my head to look at him, surprise as to how intelligent that just sounded.

"I think I have an idea..."


"STOP! YOU ARE GOING TO KILL US!" Said Suga. People yell at us, as I run over the sidewalk with tables and people eating joyfully. Until I came.

"I AM NOT GOING TO KILL US!" At least not today. I decided to come to a crowded street, where driving through here will be impossible to them... and to us. But I went through without killing anyone, and as far as the little mirror on top of my head allows to see, they are long gone.

Once the crowded street was far behind, we fell into a street with not many cars, and even fewer people. 

"I think we are safe... for now." Said Suga, making his seat fall comfortable back, while I drive through the peaceful street, and with only the sunset and the comfortable silence to keep us company.

We got to the house, and I parked a few streets away. I don't know how, but before I could start to ask Suga any questions, he fell asleep, and I could only admire his sleeping face, his chest rising and falling at the rhythm of my beating heart. My hand involuntarily moved towards the piece of mint blue hair that lies on top of his closed eyes, in hope to gently push it away.

But his hand caught my wrist before I was even close to push the strand of hair away.

"What are you doing?" He said slightly annoyed. 

"We are here. Wait-" He was starting to get out of the car before I pushed his body to sit right where he was.

"Let me go" He said, more annoyed and disgusted by me than angry. "Not until you tell me everything that is going on between you and the gangsters." I said.

But he laughed. A sour laugh.

"Do you really think I am going to spill everything, just because you ask?" He said, and I realized how stupid I just sounded. But his life was at risk, both of us, and I think that deserves an explanation of some sort.

"Yes, I think deserve an explanation..." I said, with a bored expression. He sighed and closed the door of the car. He turned the music on, and funny enough, one of their songs was on. He looked out of the window, hoping that no unwanted ears or eyes are around. He took me by the shoulders and got our bodies closer.

"I will say this just once, and just because your life was at risk. I don't tell this to just anyone, in fact, no one knows." This is more serious than I thought, apparently, by the way his dark brown eyes inspect mine carefully.

"Before I joined BTS, I was a member of a gangster group, their gangster group." My hazel eyes widen slightly, half expecting he might say that, half expecting something worse. "We used to steal things, cars, wallets, we used to play the bad guys, breaking others windows, vandalizing their walls, but one day... it got out of hand."

"We broke the tires of a very important CEO. He crashed, and he..." I stopped him before he could say anything I already knew but didn't want to hear.

"We got into big, big problems. In that time, I was struggling with money but managed to move from that town. Then I auditioned for BTS, and got accepted." He continued. I could see that more than nervous, angry, he was sad, broken, with no one to tell him 'It's fine, I am here with you'.

Just like me.

"I became famous, and one day, these guys found me. They told me they would tell Manager Sejin of my past, and I am an m-murderer."

"You are not a murderer," I said, and even I surprised myself by how strong and steady my voice sounded. "It was a mistake, but you didn't do it alone, the blame goes to all of them." He was speechless for a moment, as if he expected me to scream for help, or run out of the car yelling MURDERER!

"I just have to do what they want, and they will leave me alone." He said, his eyes staring at his palms as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"They will never leave you alone, trust me." I said, caught myself before I say something that I shouldn't.

"How do you know that?  You don't know anything." He says, his voice magically found the strength it needed to continue.

"It is my business now." I begin.

"I am going to help you out of this situation, after all, I am your bodyguard." I say, and with that, we entered the house.


Hey guys!

Suga and Ae Ri entering the house together, after a ong, long day... How do you think V will react? or Jungkook?

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

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Something Serious.

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