Chapter 23: Again

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"This is not a game, we do it fast, no one will see us, no one finds out, okay?" Suga said, while his eyes were everywhere but on us. I am trying to unlock Manager Sejin's door with a hair thingie and a pen. In my defense, I learned this from a training lesson, Mr. Lee taught me this himself.

I am just practicing and testing out my skills.

Jungkook went to the security camera room, and with his undeniable charms, convinced a young lady to turn them off, just momentarily, he just got back from the camera room, and a thin layer of sweat covers his smooth forehead


I open the door, and signal Suga and Jungkook to wait for me outside. I close it behind me and don't turn the lights on. Still, I can see as if the sun were right beside me. I move swiftly, not a sound made, not a thing touched, not a breath exhaled. I open the drawer with feline delicacy.

As if I were not even here, the drawer slides, looking for a paper with Manager Sejin's signature, a paper that is nothing important in particular, and if he looks for it, he will blame himself for losing it.

All in a matter of seconds, I recognized the only paper on the top of the drawer, took it out, and got out of there.

"Got it." We all have evil grins on our lips, and I have to admit this is the most fun I have ever had in this building.


"Shut up." Said Suga

"I am not talking" I said.

"You are now"

The alley where the gangsters asked Suga and I to go, is complete... sh*t.

The moist walls are an unhealthy dark color. I can see even with not much moonlight, things moving on the ground. I am sure they are rats. And let's not speak about the smell.

We see them approaching as if the three were one with the shadows. Suga and I standing side by side. I asked, well more like forced Jungkook to stay out of this. He is someone I wouldn't want involved even if I have to make him hide behind a very, very dirty trashcan.

Where he watches over us, but not with us.

"Well hello there, I didn't expect you to actually come, after your little spectacle... Are you planning to do a new performance this time?"

"Oh no,  don't worry, we won't take long," I say, and Suga, with the papers on his hands, gets closer to the gangster, holding them as far from his body as possible, hoping that the guy would just take them, and disappear through the shadows again.

I am sure neither Suga in front of me or Jungkook behind the trash cans can see a thing in the night.

But the gangsters, who depend solemnly on the night, don't know that I am seeing even the tiny drops of sweat on their foreheads.

The papers were ripped from Suga's hands, and he walks back to me. I am surprised to see how composed he looks, compared to a few hours ago. His face is blank, his shoulders straight, relaxed, but defensive.

"Easy, was it? Then why did you took so long to bring them to me?" He said with a raspy voice that thuds in my hears. "-Shall I thank your girlfriend for the miracle? Or your boyfriend hiding over there for that matter?"

Oh shit, he knows.

I felt Jungkook as he froze behind the large trashcan. It was not the best hiding place, I will be honest, but I didn't want him here, and he said he wanted to be here to protect us.

"Come here buddy." I shook my head slightly, hoping he would obey my command and how much I want him to just run. "I said, come here." It was not a request, it was an order.

Don't come, don't come, don't come...

He stands in front of the trash can, and walks towards us. His eyes holding pure wrath, something I have never seen in Jungkook, and consider my next move, if I have to do one.

"Oh! This is one hell of a price. Jeon Jung Kook, maknae of BTS. An acquaintance of ours wanted to meet you a few weeks ago, I wonder where he is now." An acquaintance of theirs? Oh no... was it the guy who attempted to shot him? The guy I...

"He never returned. We all wondered where he went after trying to shot you. We are not that worried though, the one who should worry is you." I try to mask any emotions on my face, however, I can't seem to help as the blood drains from my face. If he was someone important, or dangerous...

I realized I have placed BTS in more danger than they were before.

"He ran away, like a coward. You should too, you have the papers, we are done." He said, wrath being the source of blind braveness.

"I don't care who you are, but don't you dare cross the line." They come out of the shadows, just a bit, and I can see his crooked nose still swollen. Dark tones of blue, green and purple from the punch I gave him two days ago. I try not to smile.

"We are done, you have the papers, we will go now." Suga said, turning his back to the gangsters, trying to get out of here as soon as possible, I do the same, thanking whoever needs to be thanked for the absence of violence this time. I nudge Jungkook to come too, but his eyes are locked on those of the gangsters, throwing invisible daggers towards them 

"Don't you dare try to threaten Suga or Ae RI again, or else, you will end up like your friend." I turned abruptly, halfway out of the alley, and Suga who was already out on the street, stopped, cold sweat trickling down his back.

Jungkook has just crossed the line, just what the gangster himself told him not to do.

"And how, would that be?" He asked, leaning closer to Jungkook, the other two gangsters right on his back.

"Dead." I felt it before I saw the light reflecting on the shiny metal body of the gun that came out of its hiding spot behind the gangster. I ran, sprinted, flew towards Jungkook, whose eyes slowly widen as he took in what was slowly pointing at him. 

I took my own gun out of my the back of my pants, and shot at the gangster's hand before he was able to even point at Jungkook. A piercing scream clouded my ears, and drops of dark blood started to drip from his clenched hand to the floor, creating a puddle of blood that could not have been his if I weren't here.

"You b*tch!" 

"Deal is over, you got what you wanted, don't look for us again, or your hand won't be the only thing bleeding," I said, took Jungkook's arm, and dragged him out of the alley. 

There were no footsteps running after we got out of the alley, and I hope this will serve as a reminder that neither Suga, Jungkook, nor all BTS, are alone anymore.


Hey guys!

What do you think? Why was Jungkook so angry at the gangsters? :O

 Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

p.s I am sorry for not updating, again. Again, I only blame school. Thank you for waiting for me! Love you guys <3

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Please don't forget to vote <3 it really helps me :D...

Something Serious.

I am BTS' bodyguard || V x OC x JK x SugaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz