Chapter 5

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Jade couldn't fall asleep.Her mind was still running around the fact that she actually had the braveness to kiss Vega's cheek like that.A part of her was excited,a part scared.She would never have imagined that she,Jade West,most horrifying girl in school gives public displays of affection to a friend.I mean,she and Vega were just friends...right?There was no way in hell she could confirm what she was feeling.All she knew was the way Tori made her feel was far more exhilarating than Beck had ever done.She got out of bed and saw the alarm clock next to her say in angry red numbers that it was 3.30 am.She didn't know what made her do it,but she picked up her phone and texted Tori,"You up?"

Tori,on the other hand,was still massaging her jaw from smiling too much after Jade kissed her cheek.She kept closing her eyes and forcing herself to sleep but opened them after 5 seconds,an enormous grin etched on her face.She finally gave up and swung her legs over the bed in a sitting position.She was contemplating getting a glass of milk or bag of chips when her phone buzzed.She reached for it and thoughts of any late night snacks were pushed back into her mind when she read Jade's text.


J:You up?
T:Yeah.Can't sleep.
J:Goody two shoes Tori is up?I expected you to answer me in the morning.
T:Why aren't you asleep yet?
J:I had some things to do.
T:You had 'things' to do at 3.30?Yeah,I'm not that thick Jade.
J:Fine,I was thinking about some stuff.
T:Oh.Anyway,I wanna sleep now.
J:Why so suddenly?
T:I just spoke to my favourite person and now I can sleep.
J:Wow,who else is up?
T:Only you ; )

It took Jade a couple of seconds to realize that Tori meant her and when the meaning sank in, she grinned and put her phone down,feeling sleepy as well.

The next morning,Tori woke up more tired than usual but that could be explained what with her late night texting with Jade and the thoughts of the kiss the goth gave her was just all too much. She stumbled into school and walked to her locker.She began shoving books inside and when she closed the door of the locker,Jade was standing behind it with 2 cups of coffee in her hands. "Jade,you gave me a heart attack!"Jade smirked and held one of the cups out."Here."

"You bought this for me?"Jade looked down and said,"Yeah,I thought you'd be tired so I brought you coffee."Tori smiled and moved forwards to hug Jade when Jade took a step back."What are you doing?"Tori kept walking forward."I wanna hug you for getting me a coffee."Tori held her arms out to wrap Jade in them and Jade shrank back,running away."Come back here!"Jade ran with her cup but wasn't fast enough for a grateful Tori and was captured in Tori's delightful smell of strawberries."Let me go,Vega,"and she began poking Tori to escape but Tori read her mind. "Escape me?Never,"and she pulled Jade even closer.

Jade rolled her eyes,defeated and decided that it wasn't so bad being in Tori's embrace.The feeling swallowed her up and her heart seemed to be calming down a little.But why was her heart pumping so hard?She didn't run that fast when Tori chased her.That was the moment she felt it.She felt the affection emanating from her chest and spreading through the rest of her body.It was so strong and felt like a drug.Tori's hug was giving her a high and she didn't know how to explain it.She had never felt like that with Beck before,ever.Just as she was praying the hug wouldn't end,Tori pulled away.

"That's enough 'torture' for you today."Jade looked up into Tori's chocolate brown eyes and felt her insides melt with every second she stood there.Tori put a hand on her shoulder to shake her and she broke eye contact,sipping at her coffee."Thanks for the coffee,Jade.Remember we have to keep writing the script at my place later,"and she walked off to class.Jade was left standing there alone and stunned.

Tori had an extra spring in her step on the way to RnB Vocal class that day.She was still thinking about Jade's mint and lavender scent that had a special effect on Tori.When Jade stared into her eyes after the hug broke off,she looked extremely stunned and speechless and Tori could have sworn she felt goosebumps appear on Jade's skin when she wrapped her arms around her.Did Jade like her back?She knew it was highly unlikely but clung onto that very thought like a gold coin.She wasn't able to focus during any of her lessons except for drama with Sikowitz since that was the most unique and fun class that kept her on her toes all the time.

A Jori Story:Coffee Shop ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now