Chapter 4

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When I'd recovered enough to be able to walk again, Keith helped me back into my clothes and pulled his own pants back up. We cleaned me up with some water and a spare towel he'd found by the water chest, as I luxuriated in the sensation of the soft towel against my skin, and then he offered me his hand to help me up.

"What now, Jana?" he asked me with a dopey smile.

I didn't know what to do next, because by now the drugs had really started to kick in. I made sure to keep drinking water, like I'd read I should, but now what I wanted most in the world was to dance. To dance and to cuddle and to give my body to as many more people as I could. Suddenly this seemed like the best idea in the world.

"I need to go and... give," I said, climbing unsteadily to my feet and grinning at Keith like an idiot.

"Give what?" he asked uncertainly.

"Give these good feelings to everyone. This love. This sensation. I feel alive for the first time in my life." I rested my hands on my own full breasts and rubbed, moaning at the amazing sensations that again caused me to curl my toes. I was practically purring at the idea of rubbing my body on more people's beautiful flesh, and I was in awe of how much love for everything and everyone around me I felt. The booming music from the slow-moving art vehicles outside on the streets of Black Rock City called to me with an almost hypnotic effect, and Keith smiled as he saw me wiggling my hips in time with the pumping electronic beats.

"Do you have friends I can take you to?" he asked, laying his hands on my hips and dancing with me. I laughed as he suddenly spun me around and dipped me, each motion my body made feeling like I was moving through feathery down in the warm air. It felt amazing in the interior of the tent, but I bet it would feel even more amazing out in the crowds of smiling, excited people.

I nodded. "Yeah. Kara and Tony. Let's go find them." I was so excited by the prospect of sharing my new perspective with my friends that it didn't even occur to me they might think it was strange if a busty, beautiful chick showed up claiming to be their friend Jake. Although now I was going be Jana, apparently, and I was starting to wonder if I ever really wanted to go back to being Jake.

"Wait," I said. "You know Katelyn, right?"

Keith nodded. "Yeah. I met her recently, but she seems amazing. I've never met someone so full of love."

Love and wonderful gifts, apparently. This body was incredible. Is this change permanent? I asked myself. I had to find Katelyn too, and ask her.

"Can you take me to her?"

Keith scratched his head. "Well, about that... I've noticed that Katelyn has a habit of finding you when she wants to, and if she doesn't, there isn't much point in looking for her. She said she was going to find me later, so why don't we meet up with your friends and then I'll hang around until she comes back. Sound good?"

I cocked my head, trying to think it over, but I kept getting distracted by the music and the motion of our bodies swaying together in the late afternoon interior of the tent.

"Okay, sure, whatever," I agreed. I felt too good to do anything but go with the flow.

Keith fished up a pair of silver flip flops from somewhere in the pillow pile, slid them onto my feet, and then led me out onto the crowded Black Rock City street for the second time today. Except this time, my experience was completely different. Where before I'd been a gawking bystander of the crazy sites and sounds of the festival, a Burning Man tourist, now I felt like a genuine participant — a part of something much bigger and more powerful than my tiny, insignificant self. It was like a living, breathing organism of love and goodwill, and I felt like an emissary of that message whose duty it was to spread it to everyone I saw.

Swapped at Burning Man: An Erotic Gender Swap AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now