Smiley's Curse

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I'd just moved in to a new flat just outside of, to save my face, ill call it, Smiley town. It was my first time living on my own and I didn't know what to expect as I was a young 20 something year old and the single life was just new to me. I moved into a quite little flat, the walls were a yellow in colour and there was not much else as I'd just moved in. One day as I was just leaving my flat to go and collect my stuff from storage when my next door neighbour was just coming out of her flat, she was an older lady with the cliché old lady cloths and a flowery head dress on her head.

As I noticed her she turned and looked at me and gave me a brief smile as she slowly walked down the stairs to the front door. I really should have mentioned that the flat I had just moved in to was on the 6 floor of a pretty high building complex and it was very unusual to see someone of her age up this high without any presence of a lift, at least that's what I thought until I saw the smiley, old face, skipping down the stairs fast than any young man I've see the days before. I went about my day, packed my shopping in my car. only a few daily essentials to keep me living as I go about my day, I get to a cross road and there was no signs of cars or even pedestrians which is strange because it was 3pm in the afternoon, a prime time for traffic and most children would be out of school and walking home.

I carried on driving starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with how quite it was, I saw the same I saw in the flat next door walking with her grocery bags slowly and making her way up the street. I slow down and roll my window down getting ready to speak, before I cold do so the lady stopped and slowly placed her bags on the ground and stood back and was again still as bored, without thinking I stopped my car not wanting to get out but I felt a strong need to get out and look In to the ladies bags, I turn off the engine as it was an old rusty car that made a lot of noise.

I get out of my car allowing me to see a little in to the ladies bag, there was only a bunch of bottles that were filled to the brim of an unknown liquid, but I couldn't see anything more than that. as I bent over to look at the liquid inside the bottle, I see there's a little piece of paper on each bottle with a faint scribble on the paper.

I picked up one of the bottles to take a closer look and I read aloud what the scrap of paper says I forget that the old lady was standing right in front of me, "Hello, Mr Smiley" I looked puzzled as I was thinking over what the bottle said I glanced at what I thought was to be the old lady stood right in front of me but her cloths were tattered and worn. I then felt a frightening presence as I come to realise it wasn't the old lady that was in front of me as the legs were abnormally misshapen and un-naturally sized.

I looked up at what once was the face of the old lady and a freezing cold shiver went down my spine as stood in front of me was a human like monster with arms longer than his legs and the blood curdling smile on its face from ear to ear and no sign of any hair on its ripped and torn skin over his face and whole body.

as he slowly placed his knife-like nails deep into my heart I couldn't help but let out a sentence that now come to mention it does not seem to even ring in any of my existence, I muttered three little words as I slowly bled out "Hello, Mr Smiley". Now I know your thinking this story didn't happen and you maybe right, but all I want to say is


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