Mr Smiley is Our Friend

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I was working late nights as a small cinema that is just across the road from my flat above a chip shop in the middle of town, it was about 11  at night and the last films were being shown of this day and the next film wouldn't be playing until 2 in the morning and not many people actually come to that so it's more for the employees to watch as a kind of break from work, I was sat in the lobby with another employee and friend of mine, Sarah, she was a shy, quiet type of girl but once you got to know her, she could talk your ear off, I can remember many occasions that we'd just talk while the film is on and I would say about 8 to 10 words and she literally talked for the whole of the film.

We were keeping our area tidy and making sure everything was ready for when everyone came out as we often get complaints that the lobby is way too messy, Sarah sat on her phone while whipping the side of the lobby and I was stacking the pop corn boxes in a sort of Triangle, she put her phone down and looked at me "I need to get out this job, I'm so tired", I nodded and went to my bag and grabbed a red bull, I passed it to her and she looked at me blankly "this will get you through the night, plus I owe you for the coffee you brought last time" she smiled at me and opened her can and started drinking it, I also opened another one and had a little drink.

Everyone came out of the theatre and walked past the lobby, me and Sarah started smiling as no one was complaining and for the first time some people were positively commenting on the way it was clean and looked better than it normally does, 2 hours passed and nothing really happened, a few bits of tidying and a few toilet breaks from Sarah, I'm guessing the red bull went straight through.

Sarah went to the toilet at around 1:30 for around the 12th time, I'd lost count at 10, and a older gentleman walked into the lobby and walked over to the desk, "hello young man, your looking very tired, is the 2am film still on" I looked at the old man as he wasn't a regular and was very confused why a man of his age was awake at this time "yes sir would you like to know what films we have, as your the first person here you can choose what film" I showed him a list of what movies we had in that day and he look at the bored and smiled "there are so many choices, what would you pick young man" I looked at the list and began running each film through my head, as I've seen them a few times this week, now me being a total horror buff, went straight to the horror section and one film caught my eye because I couldn't remember ever seeing this on the bored.

"I would pick, Mr Smiley play time, but as I said sir it's up to you" the old man looked at me and smiled with a joyful smile as if it was his film I'd just picked, "that sounds good, i wanna see that one please" I nodded and gave him the ticket that he paid for and took him to the theatre, by this time Sarah came out the toilet and followed us into the theatre to watch the film, the film started, it was a grey screen with "the Deathly trilogy" in black bold writing, oddly enough when I looked over to Sarah she was silent, definitely intrigued about the film aswell, we started watching the film with a few toilet breaks in the middle for Sarah and sometimes the old man but when they both didn't come back I was confused so I went to look for them, I walked out the theatre and was horrified not what I saw, red liquid was covering the side and Sarah was stood their visible shaking as though she say a ghost, I went over to comfort her and she swung her arm round to try and hit me, I quickly caught it and she grabbed me and hugged me close.

I was shocked for her to do this as she'd never done this ever and we've been friends for 2 years, she looked at me, "don't let go of me, there's something here" I looke at her and went to sit her down on the side of the hall on the sofa when I felt a sharp penetrating feeling go through my chest and through Sarah, I turned my head slightly and it was the old man, but instead of looking like an old man should, his head was visibly reached from his neck and another head was in its place, I screamed as I saw this making Sarah let go and try to run away, which caused the hole in her stomach to widen and she didn't get 2 steps before falling to the ground, drowning in her own blood, I stood there blood pouring out of me, my eyes slowly closing shut as I face the abomination behind me with its weapon inside my chest cavity, me face drained of blood.

The monster opened his lips and with a menacing voice, "I'll eat you and then her " as my eyes fall shut and my heart stops beating, the last thing I see is My legs getting swallowed by the creature while Sarah lifeless looks at him with no expression, the only thing I could say was "Mr Smiley will never die"

Now I know your thinking this story didn't happen and you maybe right, but all I want to say is


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