Hello, Mr Smiley

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I was dropping my children off to school as a normally do everyday for the past 13 years, my oldest daughter, now 21, decided to come along for the morning car ride, my oldest is, to put it lightly, closed off to the world and does not see much good in socialising with other people her age, my other two, one boy and another girl, were at the opposite sides of the spectrum, which I found old due to they all have the same farther and of course, me for a mother.

The two youngest got out the car and waved at me and their sister as they went to their friends and I started the car back up and started driving back to the house, my eldest, for name sake I'll call her Juliet.

Juliet was looking out the window as I drove down street by street whispering something to herself, which to her and everyone else that knew her well, knows that this is normal as she tends to talk to herself when she's alone, some days I'll see her having conversation with the empty chair at the side of her bed and on some rare occasion I would ask her who or what she was talking to and I would always be met by the same reaction that I'd come to expect, she would turn away and start doing something completely different to what she was doing prior.

We were going street after street until eventually we got to a horrible sight of flowers, cards and candles on one of the sides of the cross road, apparently a young man was found dead in a pool of his own blood, the strange thing about it was it's believed he was found with a devilish grin from ear to ear and even though he was dead he kept muttering something and smiley, which until I recall this story I had no clue what or who it was.

I stopped at the cross road as there was traffic, which is natural as it was mother's going home from drop off , my daughter started rocking back and forth as she saw the flowers and started muttering something to herself, needless to say I was very very worried as she had never done this before and that's coming from a long list of problems we have faced with her, this not being one of them.

I kept driving making sure Juliet was okay as she was acting quite weird, we got home and we both got out the car but as soon as she got out she stopped and didn't move a single muscle, I went round to her side to see what was the problem and what came next frightened me to my very core, stood right in front of my daughter was a tall human-looking monster, no hair on its body and his skin was peeling off, it have large In-proportional arms and only small legs

What frightened me the most is that it wasn't attacking my daughter, it was more the other way around, the monster looked afraid of her and vanished in thin air to get away, me and my daughter walked into the house not really sure on what to make on what just happened, I shut the door and my daughter stopped just in front of me and pointed at a few bottle filled of liquid, around 8 in total, I went over and examined the bottle and to my surprise they were filled to the brim with a liquid I'd never seen, as I looked at the bottle a sharp overwhelming pain came over my bad as I looked back at my daughter but only this time she was smiling, a cruel and devilish smile, as she drove a large knife through my shoulder.

I screamed as it was unlike her to do that and to even smile was very strange to say the least, as Juliet slowly moved the blade down my body cutting more and more as she went along, I finally had this one overwhelming thought that chilled me to the bone. "When did I have kid?" This is not a normal thing as I would definitely remember having children and in my house I always found it weird there were no picture, as I clung to life my daughter lent down to me and whispered something in my ear that I will never forget.

She said with the same devilish smiley face as that same creature "Come and play with Mr Smiley". Now I know your thinking this story didn't happen and you maybe right, but all I want to say is why don't you.


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