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-----Lunch Break.
(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey (y/n)!!" Soojin run towards me while repeatedly shouting my name. In instinct, I covered my ears and I planned to avoid her.

"Hey Hey wait! (Y/n)!!" As I avoid her, she kept following me. I had enough of this stupid nonsense.

"What?! Don't shout other people's name for pete's sake. Do you have a microphone installed inside your throat? You are certainly being really loud and annoying right now!"

"Maybe or maybe not, you will never know. Quick question, Who's Pete? By the way I just found the perfect guy for you!" She squeals as she grabbed my hands and jumps up and down.

"Shut up. I don't need a guy in my life, all I need is my bed, pillow and a bag of chips, tubs of ice cream and you know that Soojin." I released from her death grip and leaned on my palm.

"But if you do that you'll became fat like a pig or a cow! Do you want to be like that? You'll get the title 'the world's fattest woman.' You don't want that, I don't want that." She whines.

Seriously why did she became my best friend again? I mean she is annoying, overall drama queen, has a huge crush on Park Seojun, and makes me do things that I don't like.

Oh.. It all started because of that damn retreat in middle school.

"Do I look like I care?" I gave her my bitch face that will annoy anyone.

"Aishhhh!!!" she stomped her foot. Heh, works everytime.

"..." Then she looked at me with a 'wtf' look.

"What?" I ask in a bored tone.

"You really need a boyfriend (y/n)." She said seriously as she cross her arms.

"And..why would I need a boyfriend?" I look up to her, still in my poker face.

"For him to change you, for him to change that lazy ass attitude of yours! Duh!" -Soojin

"Who said i wanted to change?" - (y/n)

"I said so! And many guys will chase you and fall in love with you when you change that attitude and look of yours. I mean wear make ups, do your hair, and also wear dresses and skirts. AYIEEEE I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE THAT!!!" She squeals... Again.

Is she a fcking mouse that keeps squealing and squeaking all the time?

"For your fcking information Soojin-ah even if I do have a boyfriend I will not damn change. Why? Because it's too much work." I gave her my innocent smile.

Heh, innocent..

"Why did you became my friend anyway?" She sighs, and face palmed

"Because you love me *smiles* also if you didn't talk to me at the retreat during middle school, then you wouldn't handle this lazy ass attitude." I smiled at her, but it soon disappeared.

"Ahahaha! But you're fun even though you have that attitude of yours, and you know (y/n) you should smile more, you really have a nice smile." She put both of her fingers in the corner of my lips and tug them upwards.

"Oh my gosh no! Why would you say that kind of thing?" I shook off her hand that was tugging my lips and turn my back to face her.

"That's really a rare sight of you (y/n), getting flustered at a compliment. Ahahahaha." She chuckles.

"Shut up!" I lay my head on top of the table, hiding my red tinted face.


"By the way I was planning to get another blind date for you."

"Don't tell me.." I look up to her with that 'are you fcking serious' look.

"Yes it's Yoongi oppa!!"

"Wha--? Why of all the people you choose the one and only Min Yoongi?!" I quickly got up from my seat and face her.

"Because, you guys might get along. I mean teachers are getting tired of you guys, you guys are both lazy as fck, you guys don't give a sht and fck on everything, and many many more." She flashed me a smile, the smile that when your friend is planning something really dark.

"Ughh.. I won't go!"

"You wouldn't want the guy waiting right?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Aishh, you won this round Soojin! I will get my revenge someday." I raised THE finger at her. Technically, I flipped her off.

"Yeah, I'll be looking forward to that day (y/n)." She laughs and walk away.

Same As Me (Suga x Fem Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now