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"Oh.. So You're a victim too?"

"What does it look like genius?" He groans.

"Whatever. Just Don't disturb me, I'm gonna sleep. That girl bothered me and forced me to date you. I had to leave my wonderful bed for you." I lay my head at the round clothed table, as the guy looked at me.

"Wait, aren't you interested in guys? I mean girls are interested in guys and stuff." He ask.

"I'm different, don't compare me to some barbies. Plus Why would I? It's too much work. Boys are just a waste of time, unless they are the ones who will do my chores, feed me, and do anything as I say. What about you?" I closed my eyes as I asked the question.

"It's also too much work for me. I mean-- wait, why do we have the same motto?" His eyes went wide.

"Huh? I'm the one who first said it." I quickly stood up and look him straight in the eyes.

"No, I did! I'm older than you." He argues.

"But that doesn't mean that I couldn't get the motto! Also it doesn't make any sense about your age and motto!"

"Aishhh.. Fine, So let's just 'get to know each other better' thing." He sighs and his figure is slowly slouching.

"Fine ( ̄へ ̄)." I have no choice to agree.

Soojin.. I will get my revenge!!!!

"So my name is Min Yoongi, what's yours?"

"(L/n) (y/n)"

"Any dating experience?" Yoongi read it loud from the card he's holding. I'm 100% sure my one of a kind best friend gave that to him.

"Yeah, do you want the names?" I ask.

"Uh yeah, sure. If that's alright with you."

"Of course. Now Baige the chip bag is my first boyfriend,I met him when I was a kid. Beddie boy just usually hanging around in my house, sometimes we don't get along cuz he smells. Icy Krema lives in the fridge, and pillowich the pillow, he and I still have connection. How about you?" I said and ask.

"Same, but girl version. The next is.. 'Go somewhere with (y/n)' want to go somewhere?" He read the card and he stood up and look at my lazily figure.

"Park is fine, but you have to carry me." I lift my arms as a gesture for him to carry me.

"Why?! Are you fckin kidding me?! I'm not your servant."

"Do I look like the joking person? I'm too lazy to walk. Please, it's too much work Yoongi oppa." I lay on the floor, almost everyone in the restaurant looked at me.

"Fine.." He crouched down to my sitting position. I hopped on his back and then I got a piggy ride.

"You do know it's also too much work for me right?" He looked at me from his shoulder.

"Yeah, but I really don't care. All I care is how you are being useful right now." I said. He stands up and walk towards the door of the restaurant.

"Boy, you're light as a feather." He said.

"What do you think I am fat?! I am lazy, but i know how to balance food." I argued.

"Psh, yeah right. You should eat more though."

"Don't want to." I shook my head as I bury my face in his neck.

"Ugghh, what am I gonna do to you?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." I mumbled into his nape.

'Aww they look so cute.'
'The guy is so lucky to have that cute gf.'
'I wish my bf will be that caring and sweet.'
'Why aren't you that sweet to me?!'
'i wish that guy is my bf.'

Everyone at the restaurant looked at us while complimenting us.. I think. I dunno


We stop at a bench.

He put me down gently. I was about to lay on the bench but he beat me to it, he placed his head in my lap as he faced my stomach.

"I'm the one who deserve this bench. Don't argue with me."

"Why you--" An irk mark appeared on my forehead.

"Hush, help me go to sleep." He grabbed my hand and put it on to his hair.

"Aigoo. I don't have a choice don't I?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p'.

I sigh and just play with his almost fade dyed mint hair.

I studied his sleeping features.

He's cute. I booped his nose and chuckle.

"You know (y/n) i'm starting to like you."

"Ahahahaha, me too."


(A/n): guys! Thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it very well!

Not gonna lie I can tell that the ending is rushed and it ended so bad lol.

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